Party Snacks + Salty + Kid Friendly + Recipes
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Lighter Chili With Cocoa Powder
What is the key to great tasting chili? (cocoa powder) Many would suggest that you put a lot of meat and sausage to make it delicious….

Slow Cooker Quinoa Chili: Healthy, Inexpensive, and Delicious
This slow cooker quinoa chili is for right now. Can't afford meat? No problemo.....

Roasted Walnuts Recipes **VIDEO**
Are you looking for a way to wow your friends and family while doing very little work? Try these roast walnuts recipes!

Cucumber & Tomato Bites for a Healthy Snack
The calendar says that summer isn’t over. I, for one, am still pigging out on inexpensive produce.....

Fresh Tomato Salsa in Minutes
Fresh tomatoes are rolling into supermarkets and farmer’s markets and they are cheap!...

Three Layer Bean Dip: Because Three is Faster Than Seven
I was first introduced to "Seven Layer Dip" in 1995 and I immediately fell in love...

The “Worst Food In America” Gets a Makeover
I have not been the recipient of any free zucchini this summer but I know it is coming.....

Snack Girl’s Bacon and Eggs
Easter happened yesterday and my family has a tradition of dying hard-boiled eggs and hiding them around the house....

An Egg Roll Makeover
Egg rolls were one of those foods that I always ordered if I was getting Chinese food. Until I met my husband and he ruined everything....

Who Needs Seven When You Can Get It Done In Three?
Snack Girl was first introduced to seven layer dip in 1995....

Healthier Meatballs in a Snap
Does Snack Girl look like she has time to make meatballs? Look at me up there! I look busy....

Why Snack Girl Loves This Salad
I was tempted to entitle this post, “Why Snack Girl Loves This Cupcake”, because salad puts people to sleep. zzzzz.....

A Delicious Portion-Controlled Potato Recipe
Snack Girl features potatoes because they are inexpensive, nutritious, and super yummy....

Tomatoes Can Break Your Heart
Snack Girl has a love affair with tomatoes. Sorry, Tom Cruise, I lust after a summer tomato....

What To Do With Fresh Tomatoes
Can you believe those colors? You know how they say to "eat the rainbow". Here is your chance!....

Another Healthy BBQ Side: Red Potato Salad
Yeah, baby, it is time for potato salad. I used to buy it at my local supermarket until I found out how much better it is when you make it fresh.....

What To Bring to a Potluck BBQ
Barbeques are great because you don’t have to cook indoors and everyone gets it....

Lighten The Devil In These Eggs
Yes, this photo does look like "deviled" eggs, but Snack Girl has a fix to make them much less evil....

Tasty Three Layer Dip In A Snap
Do you ever get stuck with having to make something and not wanting to drive to the store?...

Try A Lighter Potato Pancake
THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil....
Showing 1 to 20 of 84 next 20 ›