
Snack Girl Archives

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Apple Fries

Fast food that is good for you

Hey, these look like fries!! Yes, they are "fry posers" created by Burger King to help you (and your children) avoid eating French Fries. Will it work?...

May 8, 2009


Crunchy puffs of rice, salt, and sugar

These lovely little crackers hail from Japan. Are they bad for you?....

May 8, 2009  4 Comments


Homemade Banana Bread

Is this really a healthy snack? Eating too much of any baked good is damaging to your waistline, but made with real bananas and eggs, this snack includes protein and vitamins your body needs...

April 24, 2009  5 Comments

chocolate raisins

Candy that is good for you

Can you have a treat that is also nutritious? Absolutely. There is no reason why you need to chose a food that lacks nutrients to get a great treat.

April 24, 2009  4 Comments


Fast food with a nutritional upside

If you are hungry, this is a perfectly fine snack. Everything is relative of course, and if you are watching your weight you would want to avoid something with so many calories....

March 13, 2009  2 Comments


Would you like an order of fat with your burger?

Onion rings are another delicious fast food. I love the soft oniony inside and the crunchy batter outside. Unfortunately, the deep frying part renders these puppies into a very fatty snack....

March 13, 2009  1 Comment


America's Favorite Vegetable

The average American eats 30 pounds of french fries a year. I found this statistic on a website devoted to the history of french fries. French fries are a much loved staple for us Americans. We probably out do the Belgians who consider them a national treasure.

March 13, 2009  3 Comments


Corn, oil, and salt combined to fill you up

Hey, wait a minute! Almost 600 calories in a bag of Fritos??!! That is ludicrous. Yeah, it is. Maybe YOU will be able to stop yourself from eating the entire bag.

March 13, 2009


Mechanically separated meat is not good for you

The stick of jerky photographed here is actually not beef. I was shocked to discover that I had purchased a stick of jerky made with pork and something called "mechanically separated chicken". Okayyy.

March 13, 2009  1 Comment


Would you like chemicals with your cupcakes?

The Hostess website claims that there is a person in Florida who eats 4 Hostess cupcakes a day. So, at 680 calories, I hope she is replacing a meal with them (cupcakes for breakfast anyone?)....

March 13, 2009  1 Comment


Fun to eat and good for you

"Eat. Spit. Be Happy." says DAVID, a manufacturer of sunflower seeds. I can't agree more. If not for the fact that I've been trying to teach my children not to spit, these would be a perfect snack.

March 13, 2009


The poster child for junk food

What can I say that hasn't been said? These little snack cakes are the definition of junk food. They are so hard not to love. And they sell 500 million of them a year.

March 13, 2009


What is the vegetable in these chips? Potatoes

It sounds so great doesn't it? Veggie Chips! I can have vegetables AND chips. Woo-hoo! Yeah....

March 5, 2009


Bear shaped sugar

Aren't they so cute? Those little bears dressed in sweet colors are a very fun treat. I like these because they don't pretend to be something that they are not, like "fruit snacks". These are candy, plain and simple.

March 5, 2009  1 Comment


A chewy solution to snacking

If you choose sugar free gum, or close to it, you have a snack that won't wreck your teeth or your waistline. You can stop the desire to put something fattening in your mouth and it can be a pretty good experience. As long as you are not hungry, chewing gum is a good alternative to food....

March 5, 2009  2 Comments

low-fat beef jerky

If it is good enough for NASA is it good enough for you?

What can I say? This one is tough (ha!), shoe leather tough in fact. I bought this package to review for Snack Girl and I literally can't eat it. This has got to be one of the first that I find myself totally unable to swallow or chew....

March 5, 2009


All the benefits of red wine without the alcohol

Most of us have heard that red wine has health benefits. The theory was conceived when we noticed that all those French people consumed alot of it and didn't get heart disease at the same rates as Americans. How amazing! An alcoholic drink that is actually good for you....

March 5, 2009


Doughnut - stick it on your thigh

I love donuts so much that a friend once suggested that I become a police officer. I realize this is a slander against police officers, and I apologize to them, but the connection has to do with staying up all night and getting a snack from the only place that is open at 3 AM...

March 5, 2009  1 Comment


Pizza is better for you than a candy bar

What is the size of a slice of pizza? It can really vary. I use a measure from Domino's because, while I don't like their pizza, I think we all know what a Domino's pizza looks like.

March 5, 2009


Pork Rinds - high in protein and (sadly) salt

Pork rinds are (mysteriously) not that bad a snack. George W. Bush, near the beginning of his presidency said that they were his favorite snack, and sales shot up.

March 5, 2009  1 Comment

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