
After Exercise + Late Night

Need to recover after a workout? Check out these suggestions to keep you going.

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Pizza is better for you than a candy bar

What is the size of a slice of pizza? It can really vary. I use a measure from Domino's because, while I don't like their pizza, I think we all know what a Domino's pizza looks like.

March 5, 2009

graham crackers

Better than cookies but not as good as fruit

Graham crackers can be pretty yummy. There are a lot of different brands but they all average out to be about the same for calories...

March 5, 2009  1 Comment


Everybody needs water

Are you thirsty? If you are - try to grab a glass of water. The price is usually close to free and it may stop your hunger craving.

March 5, 2009

granola bar

Chewy Granola Bar

Wait a minute, these are supposed to be healthy! Do you really consider these a treat?

March 5, 2009  2 Comments


77 calories packed with nutrition

You get protein, lots of vitamins, fat and a whole slew of compounds that your body needs. So, eat eggs! Do not be afraid. But, try to keep it to 2 a day....

March 5, 2009  3 Comments


A few slices of salami go a long way

Why do I recommend salami? Well first of all, the taste is very strong. If you have a few thin slices for a snack, you probably won't be able to eat much more.

March 5, 2009


Tropical fruit for North Americans

I never had a mango until I visited Mexico in 1987. I bought one from a street vendor, and just sunk my face into it. Wow! If a mango is perfectly fresh, it is an almost euphoric experience to eat it....

March 5, 2009  2 Comments


A zero calorie alternative to soda

I have to admit my love of sparkling water. I just love those little bubbles....

February 20, 2009

dark chocolate

Chocolate is made from plants

Why is dark chocolate good for you? Most people don't realize that dark chocolate is derived from plants....

February 20, 2009  3 Comments


Low in calories as long as you hold the butter

Microwave popcorn is a fast and easy snack that can be satisfying and nutritious but you need to choose carefully if you are on a diet...

February 3, 2009


America's favorite fruit

Americans are bananas for bananas! They are the most consumed fruit in the United States and the world.

February 2, 2009  2 Comments



If you like crackers, Triscuits (or whole wheat baked snack crackers) are for you. They are salty and crunchy and great alternative to the higher fat alternatives such as potato chips or Doritos....

February 2, 2009  8 Comments


Orange you fabulous!

My grandfather would to send us a box of oranges for Christmas. I was pretty disappointed as a youngster because I was hoping for toys. But as an adult, I would appreciate the gift....

February 2, 2009  1 Comment


Slices of heaven

Biting into a fresh nectarine is like tasting a summer's day. So many flavors play over your tongue as you taste one....

February 2, 2009


Luxurious, low in calorie, and nutritious

If fresh raspberries were cheaper, I would eat them all the time! They are sweet, luscious, and arguably very good for you....

February 2, 2009


An apple a day is cheaper than health insurance

"An apple a day will keep the doctor away" goes the proverb. I think we can all agree that apples are much cheaper than health insurance. Can an apple really make good on its promise?...

February 2, 2009  1 Comment


Nuts are nutritious and portable

Are you nuts about nuts? I sure am. Roasted, salted, plain or slivered, almonds are a wonderful snack....

February 2, 2009  2 Comments

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