
Packaged + Worst Snacks + Sweet

We have reviewed some of the many pre-packaged snacks which can be purchased in most convenience stores. Please send us a suggestion if your favorite snack is not here.

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Showing 1 to 20 of 20


McDonald's Frozen Strawberry Lemonade: Don't Believe The Hype

Snack Girl couldn't help but notice a coupon for a FREE cup of frozen strawberry lemonade from the Golden Arches in her newspaper....

May 24, 2011  67 Comments


This Yogurt Has More Grams of Sugar Per Ounce Than In Coca Cola

Recently, Snack Girl went to the yogurt aisle and tried Yoplait Greek yogurt and wrote this award winning review: Three Reasons To Avoid Yoplait Greek Yogurt ....

April 15, 2011  38 Comments


The Worst Snack of 2010

It was a difficult decision. Snack Girl has made her choice.

December 20, 2010  8 Comments


Check Out This Cookie (Scary)

Snack Girl has a problem she wants to share....

November 18, 2010  31 Comments


Are High Fiber Pop-Tarts a Healthy Choice?

Lately, Snack Girl has been deluged by requests about toaster pastries and frozen waffles. So, I decided to take a walk down the cereal aisle....

September 15, 2010  16 Comments


Is This A Healthy Snack Food?

There is an entire portion of an aisle in your supermarket devoted to "fruit snacks". If you don't have kids, you might have missed it....

August 16, 2010  19 Comments


This Blueberry Muffin Has a Dark Secret

This blueberry muffin seems like an innocuous food. But, lurking in its floury depths lies a painful truth....

July 13, 2010  19 Comments


The Worst Snack You Can Drink

The largest market for energy drinks, such as RockStar, RedBull, and Monster is between the ages of 12 and 24 years old. These drinks feature caffeine and sugar.

May 12, 2010  20 Comments


This "Juice" Has HFCS and More Sugar Per Serving Than Soda

The inspiration for Snack-Girl was a bottle of juice. That juice was one that my 3 year old daughter chose from a cooler in a convenience store...

April 12, 2010  17 Comments


A Dangerous Combination, Like Teenagers and Alcohol

The results of this duo are not unprotected sex, but unwanted pounds. This terrifying image will probably haunt you all day long...

March 18, 2010  12 Comments


Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal

The longest aisle in the supermarket is the breakfast cereal aisle. It seems to stretch forever with boxes of so many colors and sizes. How is a person to choose the healthy option?...

March 3, 2010  18 Comments


What is the First Piece of Advice Doctors give Dieters?

If you drink soda, you could lose over 15 pounds by just giving it up. Any doctor will tell that giving up soda cold turkey will lead to a dramatic reduction in your weight....

October 13, 2009  4 Comments


What Everybody Ought to Know about Chips Ahoy

They look so delicious floating in the air. They are the perfect cookie. They have lots of chips, and they are symmetrically round. BUT...

August 27, 2009  2 Comments


Artificial sweetener marketed to kids

Rewarding your child with a treat is a wonderful thing to do. A parent usually assumes that something that has a rabbit on a label is safe for their child....

August 13, 2009  3 Comments


The worst snack in America?

What would it take to be the worst snack in America? There are facts - calories, ingredients, etc. - then there is the more subjective factor: taste....

June 29, 2009  21 Comments


Would you like chemicals with your cupcakes?

The Hostess website claims that there is a person in Florida who eats 4 Hostess cupcakes a day. So, at 680 calories, I hope she is replacing a meal with them (cupcakes for breakfast anyone?)....

March 13, 2009  1 Comment


The poster child for junk food

What can I say that hasn't been said? These little snack cakes are the definition of junk food. They are so hard not to love. And they sell 500 million of them a year.

March 13, 2009


Where's the food?

I don't think anyone can hide from the fact that snack cakes are junk food. I wish it wasn't true because they can be truly tasty.

March 5, 2009  1 Comment


Snickers satisfies the need for sugar

"Snickers Really Satisfies" goes their marketing jingle. I think that the company that makes them (Mars Bars) wants to remind you that they have peanuts in them, and that they will stop your hunger.

March 5, 2009


Whopping full of calories

When I go the movie theater, I am always enticed by the candy in the brightly lit case. Now that I have kids, I see how their low position makes it almost impossible to avoid buying a package of candy for $3.75. Ouch.....

February 3, 2009  1 Comment

Showing 1 to 20 of 20

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