
Recipes + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes + Gluten-Free + Under 200 Calories

Below is a list of all the recipes on Snack Girl. Need less than 100 calories or a sweet snack? Choose one of the terms below to refine your search.

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. Recipes and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

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41 to 60 of 95   ‹ previous 20   next 20 ›

Gluten-Free Cranberry Orange Muffins for a Post Holiday Breakfast

Snack Girl hopes you have a lovely Thanksgiving and that you enjoy your food....

November 27, 2013  7 Comments

Let’s Talk Turkey

Snack Girl realizes she will be the only food blogger who covers turkey this month – but she likes to be a rebel....

November 7, 2013  21 Comments

Festive and Healthy: Butternut Squash Soup in Pumpkin Bowls

As we get ready to launch into holiday mode, Snack Girl is on the look out for lighter fare….

October 29, 2013  12 Comments

Fall Vegetables and Quinoa: A Delicious Combination

Snack Girl can’t stop talking about fall. Perhaps, it is because she is swimming in falling leaves....

October 21, 2013  11 Comments

Make Your Own Lighter Caramel Apple

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to get why these caramel apples are healthier....

October 14, 2013  4 Comments

Change Up Breakfast With Baked Oatmeal

If you combine whole grains, eggs, yogurt, milk, and fruit what do you get? Breakfast!...

September 3, 2013  22 Comments

An Entire Serving of “Fries” for 133 Calories

Snack Girl can hear you all. Those aren’t fries, those are carrots!...

August 26, 2013  15 Comments

Simply Delicious, Vegan, Two Ingredient Black Bean Soup

Do you have any relatives who say that they cook and then they just open cans? Yep, this recipe was inspired by a “Can Chef”....

August 19, 2013  17 Comments

A Delicious Portion-Controlled Potato Recipe

Snack Girl features potatoes because they are inexpensive, nutritious, and super yummy....

August 15, 2013  19 Comments

Fried Rice For Under 200 Calories

Snack Girl knows what you are thinking. Everyone loves rice, but how could you make it low in calories?....

August 12, 2013  9 Comments


What To Do With Fresh Tomatoes

Can you believe those colors? You know how they say to "eat the rainbow". Here is your chance!....

August 5, 2013  13 Comments

Another Healthy BBQ Side: Red Potato Salad

Yeah, baby, it is time for potato salad. I used to buy it at my local supermarket until I found out how much better it is when you make it fresh.....

July 17, 2013  17 Comments

Mason Jar Yogurt Parfait

Do you know those containers of fruit flavored yogurts? You know the ones I am referring to - Yoplait, Chobani, Dannon. etc.....

July 15, 2013  23 Comments

What To Bring to a Potluck BBQ

Barbeques are great because you don’t have to cook indoors and everyone gets it....

July 8, 2013  14 Comments

Hit Your Cake Craving With The Microwave

Snack Girl is probably the last person to attempt to cook in a mug in the microwave....

June 4, 2013  58 Comments

GOOD READ: A Springtime Vegetable You Shouldn’t Miss

Once a year, I bring out the “good read” in order to get you to check out my post....

May 20, 2013  13 Comments

It’s Time To Talk About......

Rhubarb! I know you have been seeing it in your supermarket and farmer’s markets.

May 13, 2013  15 Comments


Lighten The Devil In These Eggs

Yes, this photo does look like "deviled" eggs, but Snack Girl has a fix to make them much less evil....

April 22, 2013  22 Comments

Love Chocolate Shakes? Give This Smoothie A Try

Sometimes I wish I was the kind of person who would walk by an ice cream store and not notice it....

April 15, 2013  37 Comments


The Fool Proof Way To Cook Brown Rice

Do not fear brown rice. It may look a little different but it is easy to cook....

April 8, 2013  37 Comments

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