
Snack Girl Archives

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The Skinny on Bagel Thins

Thomas' has managed to put two words together that spend most of their time apart - "bagel" and "thin". Nobody is getting thin eating bagels, trust me.

February 28, 2012  38 Comments


Want To Have It All? Try This Trick For Healthy Ice Cream

This photo is not going to win any awards. It is hard to shoot anything resembling ice cream because it melts!...

February 27, 2012  27 Comments


The Dark Side of Healthy Eating And What To Do About It

What is wrong with that guy? What did he eat a meat and cheese burger from Burger King?...

February 24, 2012  24 Comments


Love Chocolate But Need To Eat Less Of It? Try This

The simple truth is that chocolate rocks. It seems to hit the a very special pleasure center in the brain....

February 23, 2012  13 Comments


Give The Healthiest Vegetable on The Planet Some Love

Yes! You know the vegetable that I am referring to - KALE. Kale is on every list for "healthiest vegetable".

February 22, 2012  17 Comments


What Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Doing In My Salmon Burger?

Have you heard the warning about sugar hiding in your food? People are usually surprised when they find high fructose corn syrup in bread and ketchup....

February 21, 2012  17 Comments


Make Your Own Whole Wheat Tortillas - So Yummy!

See that tortilla up there? I made it! And, yes, I am proud of myself....

February 20, 2012  22 Comments


How Jaki Lost 120 Pounds

I chose the photo above (it is not of Jaki) because I think it represents how Jaki got her weight problem under control. She got centered and started feeling good about herself....

February 17, 2012  16 Comments


Eight Inexpensive Ways To Reward Yourself Without Food

After a hard day at work where you managed to do something wonderful - do you grab yourself a nice carrot?

February 16, 2012  29 Comments


Eight Exciting Things To Do With Bananas

When people meet me for the first time, what do you think they ask me? Where did you get your nails done?....

February 15, 2012  18 Comments


Are Whole Grain Goldfish Healthier Than Regular Goldfish?

Have you checked out your local cracker aisle? At last count, there were ELEVEN different bags of Goldfish!....

February 14, 2012  22 Comments


A Simple Way To Dress Up An Egg

Snack Girl is on an egg kick because eggs are just SO nutritious....

February 13, 2012  16 Comments


Healthy And Delicious Snack Finds

Snack Girl receives a bunch of snacks in the mail from companies that would like to be featured on this website....

February 10, 2012  11 Comments


Winner of The EatSmart Kitchen Scale

The winner of the EatSmart kitchen scale is....

February 10, 2012  1 Comment


Why Breakfast Keeps Me Up At Night

Do you spend a lot of your time worrying? I certainly hope you don't worry in the middle of the night like me....

February 9, 2012  26 Comments


The Healthiest and Easiest Breakfast (Bye-Bye Breakfast Cereal)

Cereal is the most amazingly simple breakfast to serve. All you do is pour from a box....

February 8, 2012  37 Comments


Cheap Eggs - Should You Buy Them?

Does anyone else get concerned when they see a tag like the one above? Ninety-seven cents for eggs?!!

February 7, 2012  51 Comments


This Valentine's Day Give Your Love A Healthy Heart

Yes, it is time to show your love and devotion to your partner. Do you want to give him/her a box of chocolates?....

February 6, 2012  3 Comments


Homemade Apple Raisin and Cinnamon Bran Muffins – A Great Snack!

Today, I am featuring a guest blog post by Kristen of Be Fit With Kristen. Give her a cheer!....

February 5, 2012  6 Comments


The McDonald's Happy Meal Dilemma (And How to Solve It)

Okay, so your kid just did something amazing (like solve climate change) and you want to treat him to lunch. What does he ask for?....

February 3, 2012  22 Comments

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