
Top 10 Healthy Super Bowl Party Snacks

January 25, 2011   5 Comments

Even if you aren't a football fan, you will probably know when the Super Bowl is being played. The parties are a fun way to celebrate SOMETHING while the weather is cold.

Top 10 Healthy Super Bowl Party Snacks

The snacks that are served are questionable. This "food festival" tends to leave us grabbing for the Pepto - chicken wings, pizza, nachos, mozzarella sticks, Doritos, and other assorted junk food make up the typical Super Bowl party.

You can do better!

Go ahead and serve some of the favorites, but add a few healthy snacks (and don't tell anyone). Just leave them out and see what happens. Perhaps the orange Doritos will be passed up for the orange pickled carrots.

Or maybe the potato chips will sit in their bowl while the kale chips get devoured.

The only way to find out is to serve some healthy options, and I'm not talking baby carrots and hummus. I'm talking about something that will truly compete with the Doritos of the world. (sorry baby carrots and hummus - I love ya - but I love Doritos more :)

So, think about sweet potato fries instead of regular fries or mini-pizzas instead of Dominos. There are so many tasty options!

Top 10 Heatlhy Party Snack List:

  1. turkeysliderb Love Sliders? Here Is A Healthy Version
  2. kalechipb Kale Chips
  3. kettlecornb Makeover Kettle Corn Into "Can Do" Corn
  4. broccolipeanutb Transform Broccoli Into a Food the ENTIRE Family Will Eat
  5. sweetpotatofriesb Replace French Fries with This Easy and Healthy Snack
  6. miniminipizzab The Tiniest (and Yummiest) Pizzas on The Planet
  7. pickledcarrotsb How To Avoid Wasting Carrots
  8. guacamoleb Fastest, Easiest, and Tastiest Guacamole
  9. brusselssproutsb Saving The Brussels Sprouts
  10. applechipb Got Apples? Try This Awesome Healthy Snack

And two more packaged snacks that are great ways to replace unhealthy options:

hotdogb What You Need To Know About Hot Dogs

nachomomb How To Make Healthy Nachos

Please share your healthy party snack ideas.

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The sliders sound great, definitely better than other so called "foods" that people will be serving for the big game. lol

I like Doritos, too, but there are so many naughty ingredients that I hardly eat them anymore. :(

@Ashley There are some alternatives that taste as good or better that have less junk in them. They are still a 'treat food' but have less colorings, artificial flavorings, etc. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but go look at the like chip area of your local coop (if you have one) or a large grocery store that has a 'natural foods' section. My husband has bought a few types that tasted a lot like Doritos to me but with way less crap in them. Good luck.

I'm no good at making food. I wish the kinds of snacks you share on here were available for purchase.

Thanks, T! I do enjoy Garden of Eatin' organic tortilla chips, but of course they're not the same. lol

I keep hearing about Pop Chips and how good they are -haven't tried them yet.

This was a great recipe, thank you! I recently read an article on how snacks like these can be good for your hearing, and some recipes for “football food” (like this one) that are both delicious and good for your ears:

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