3 SmartPts + Afternoon Snack + Vegan
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Introducing the Banana Bite
I am always looking for a way to have a little fun with my snack....

A Fun Breakfast for The Rush: Energy Balls
My children’s school no longer allows them to bring any nuts. No peanuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts – NADA!....

Chocolate Popcorn Rocks
Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

Looking For Red and Green? Try This!
Snack Girl will not apologize for her continued healthy holiday search. Today's entry: The Christmas Salad....

Make This Delicious Brownie And Eat It Every Day Guilt Free
Snack Girl's survey on Friday gave me some great information! One suggestion was a makeover for brownies.

How To Make Dark Chocolate Last Forever
Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

The Skinny on Bagel Thins
Thomas' has managed to put two words together that spend most of their time apart - "bagel" and "thin". Nobody is getting thin eating bagels, trust me.

Give The Healthiest Vegetable on The Planet Some Love
Yes! You know the vegetable that I am referring to - KALE. Kale is on every list for "healthiest vegetable".

Eight Exciting Things To Do With Bananas
When people meet me for the first time, what do you think they ask me? Where did you get your nails done?....

Broccoli With Peanut Sauce Is For Everyone (Even The Broccoli Haters)
Raise your hand if you like steamed broccoli with nothing on it! One, two.....TWO of you :)....

The Unthinkable: A Christmas Salad
Snack Girl will not apologize for her continued healthy holiday search. Today's entry: The Christmas Salad.

Vegan, Luxurious, Hot......Chocolate
Snack Girl finds that most hot chocolate mixes are missing something important. They lack the most important flavor of all....

The Healthiest and Tastiest Potato Chip In The World
What if you could make FAT-FREE crispy chips in your microwave? Wouldn't that solve all of your problems?...

Fab Snack Finds For Keeping It Fun
Snack Girl LOVES to surf.....the internet. Actually, I have tried actual surfing in the ocean and my style is more "under the water" surfing....

This Muffin Can Save Your Life
I know what you are thinking. How can a muffin save a life? Don't we usually use things like electrified paddles?....

A Lower Calorie Pistachio For Your Snack Consumption
Nuts are a great snack and Snack Girl advocates for them everyday. Light to carry, packed with nutrients, and satisfying, pistachios are a perfect snack....

How To Make A Healthy Cake Pop
Snack Girl is a mother of a first grader who is now reading. Yesterday, she decided to read the newspaper where there was a feature on something called "Cake Pops"....

Lime, Salt, Ice, and Heidi Swanson (Giveaway)
Spring is here and Snack Girl is revving up her blender. My neighbors are a bit annoyed :)...

Veggie Burgers Can Be Better Than Meat Burgers (Seriously)
Snack Girl has been looking for a packaged veggie burger to endorse as a great snack. And, she hasn't found one :(...

Get Your Spring On With This Vegetable
Last year, Snack Girl featured one of her FAVORITE Spring vegetables and no one read my post. No, I won't give up....
Showing 1 to 20 of 23 next 20 ›