Packaged + Late Night + Healthy Eating + After Exercise
We have reviewed some of the many pre-packaged snacks which can be purchased in most convenience stores. Please send us a suggestion if your favorite snack is not here.
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Peanut Butter Lovers: A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline
Snack Girl features peanut butter A LOT. I happen to love the stuff and I use it almost every day....

Fab Snack Finds For Keeping It Fun
Snack Girl LOVES to surf.....the internet. Actually, I have tried actual surfing in the ocean and my style is more "under the water" surfing....

A Tasty Low Calorie Bar With 50% of Your Daily Fiber
Snack Girl wishes that she liked packaged bars. Most of them are reaching for a nutrition halo that they simply don't deserve....

A Healthy Packaged Snack For Your Lunch Box
If your kids are like mine, they love packaged things above fresh things. Why?....

Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds
When I saw these, I just HAD to try them. Could these be the perfect snack?....

Are Canned Peaches A Healthy Snack?
Snack Girl is seriously missing her peaches. Summer seems years away!...

The Benefits of Cheese Sticks
The nice thing about individually packaged food is that you know exactly how many calories you are going to inhale....

Don't Forget This Classic
Out of fresh fruit? Can't make it to the store?...

Lessons From a Coconut
I was driving my minivan packed with soccer kids, drinking a pina colada.....when I woke up....

Is There A Healthy Frozen Dinner Out There?
The frozen section of the supermarket is not known for its healthy choice. (Ben and Jerry's anyone?)...

A Healthy Tortilla
Tortilla means "little cake" in Spanish. Many of these little cakes are not the healthiest option for a snack....

What You Need To Know About Hot Dogs
The post Guess What's in The Picture got a lot of attention. And, it forced me to take a good long look at hot dogs....

Want To Prevent Breast Cancer? Try This Awesome Snack
Can your diet lower your chances of getting cancer? The answer is yes!...

Cut Your Morning Sugar Consumption in Half With This Cereal
Since posting: Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal, Snack Girl has scoured the cereal aisle looking for healthy choices....

Can A New Drink Change Your Life?
Recently, a reader sent me a strange message about Almond Breeze. She wrote that it had CHANGED HER LIFE!...

How To Make Healthy Nachos
I know what you are thinking. The words "healthy" and "nachos" do not belong together in a sentence. But, Snack Girl has been sent a new product that has changed her mind....

Healthy Halloween Candy
Snack Girl visited her neighborhood Target this weekend and found Halloween candy stacked to the rafters. So, I decided I would beat out all the other healthy eating blogs on October's favorite topic - candy....

A Great Choice For A Frozen Waffle
Breakfastpalooza continues here on Snack Girl with a question about frozen waffles....

Avoid The Evil Muffin at Starbucks With This Healthy Snack (Giveaway, too!)
Starbucks is a great place for a pick me up. People stop there and grab something to keep them awake....

The Healthiest Microwave Popcorn
A while back, I wrote a post on Homemade Microwave Popcorn that was enjoyed by many. The simplicity of it was shocking....
Showing 1 to 20 of 30 next 20 ›