Party Snacks + Kid Friendly + Recipes + Under 100 Calories + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes
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Turn Strawberry Shortcake Into Strawberry Healthycake
Have you ever made a traditional Strawberry Shortcake? Well, I have and the "shortcake" part calls for cream AND butter. Wowza!

Time for Santa Hats
You know how you have a holiday favorite that you make EVERY year....

Try Your Dates With A Little Bit of Nut Butter
It is very hard to find something that peanut butter doesn’t make better....

Fresh Tomato Salsa in Minutes
Fresh tomatoes are rolling into supermarkets and farmer’s markets and they are cheap!...

Virtual Cookie Swap: Almond Clouds
Do you have a party where everyone brings their favorite cookies and recipes?...

Make Your Own Strawberry Frozen Yogurt
I am SO proud of myself. I made this beautiful bowl of strawberry frozen yogurt (and then I ate it)....

Love Cheesecake? Give This A Try
I receive all sorts of requests for recipes. One reader wanted me to make a light version of cheesecake....

Grilled Peaches: The BEST Summer Dessert
I fell in love with peaches when I lived in Athens, Georgia. Georgia is a peachy place....

Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches for Keeping Cool
Let’s all do a swan dive right into ice cream season! Weeee!....

Strawberry Yogurt Cookies
Snack Girl knows you are all eating strawberries. The last batch I bought was incredible!...

Snack Girl’s Bacon and Eggs
Easter happened yesterday and my family has a tradition of dying hard-boiled eggs and hiding them around the house....

Altering The Krispy Rice Treat: Make It Healthier
It is fun to try to make notoriously bad food into something healthier. These are screaming for a makeover....

An Egg Roll Makeover
Egg rolls were one of those foods that I always ordered if I was getting Chinese food. Until I met my husband and he ruined everything....

Chocolate Popcorn Rocks
Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

The Sweetest, Simplest Holiday Treat: Strawberry Santa Hats
If you think Snack Girl went a little crazy about Thanksgiving, wait until you see how she treats the December holidays....

Why Snack Girl Loves This Salad
I was tempted to entitle this post, “Why Snack Girl Loves This Cupcake”, because salad puts people to sleep. zzzzz.....

Get Them To Smile With This Adorable Snack
There are days when I desperately want to be someone that I am not....

Tomatoes Can Break Your Heart
Snack Girl has a love affair with tomatoes. Sorry, Tom Cruise, I lust after a summer tomato....

Do-It-Yourself Doritos
Frito Lay better watch out because we can rise up and make our own Doritos....

Greet Spring With A Tasty Little Treat
Anyone else have $2 per pound fresh strawberries greeting them at the supermarket. Hurray!....
Showing 1 to 20 of 79 next 20 ›