Party Snacks + Recipes + Under 100 Calories + Salty + Kid Friendly
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Fresh Tomato Salsa in Minutes
Fresh tomatoes are rolling into supermarkets and farmer’s markets and they are cheap!...

The “Worst Food In America” Gets a Makeover
I have not been the recipient of any free zucchini this summer but I know it is coming.....

Snack Girl’s Bacon and Eggs
Easter happened yesterday and my family has a tradition of dying hard-boiled eggs and hiding them around the house....

An Egg Roll Makeover
Egg rolls were one of those foods that I always ordered if I was getting Chinese food. Until I met my husband and he ruined everything....

Healthier Meatballs in a Snap
Does Snack Girl look like she has time to make meatballs? Look at me up there! I look busy....

Why Snack Girl Loves This Salad
I was tempted to entitle this post, “Why Snack Girl Loves This Cupcake”, because salad puts people to sleep. zzzzz.....

Tomatoes Can Break Your Heart
Snack Girl has a love affair with tomatoes. Sorry, Tom Cruise, I lust after a summer tomato....

Try A Lighter Potato Pancake
THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil....

Little Bites With Big Flavor: The Mini Reuben
Does anyone else out there love deli sandwiches? You know the ones I am talking about....

Take Your Raw Veggies To the Next Level
Awwww, ma, raw veggies AGAIN! Yes, I know it is difficult but there is nothing healthier....

No Need For A Deep Fryer With These Corn Fritters
Deep frying food is cheating in my book. You can make a pencil taste delicious if you deep fry it....

Replace Potato Skins With Zucchini Boats
Row, row, row, your zucchini, gently down the STREAM!!...

A Seriously Cool Appetizer Featuring Watermelon
I don’t know about you, but I am hot! The heat wave here in Massachusetts made me feel like the Wicked Witch of The West....

A Super Healthy Addition To Your Grill
Hot dogs, hamburgers, steak......salad! Yes, add some salad to your grill this Memorial Day weekend.

Taking Cauliflower To A New Level
For me, the challenge with cauliflower is making it taste like something. Bland food is simply not enjoyable to eat and I want to enjoy my food!

Kale Chips: Believe The Hype
Kale is getting a lot of press and finding its way on all the top blogs. I had to ask this kale to stop on the red carpet to photograph it....

Greet Spring With Some Bacon (And Asparagus)
Whenever I write about bacon, Snack Girl gets a surge of readers. Why?...

Love Chocolate But Need To Eat Less Of It? Try This
The simple truth is that chocolate rocks. It seems to hit the a very special pleasure center in the brain....

Looking For A Low Cal Burger? Give This Yummy, Simple, and Vegan Burger A Shot
I recently noticed that my favorite brew pub has a VEGGIE burger on its menu. Yes, we have shifted a bit when it comes to our burger consumption....

Turn A Healthy Food That You Hate Into A New Love
How many of you out there hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....
Showing 1 to 20 of 46 next 20 ›