
Afternoon Snack + Under 100 Calories + Kid Friendly + Late Night

Feeling hungry and dinner is still a long way off? Check these choices to keep you going.

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How to Turn the Dull into the Delicious

Sitting on the shelf with all the bright colored Fritos and Doritos is the lowly pretzel....

September 14, 2009  3 Comments


How to Get What You Pay For

We take medicine to make us feel better when we get sick. We undergo all kind of treatments to get rid of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, and we pay oodles of money for these treatments....

September 8, 2009  4 Comments


How to Make an Apple Last 2 Years

Bear Fruit Bars do not occur in nature, but they are made of natural ingredients. They are made by a small, family run company called Mountain Organic Foods....

August 6, 2009  1 Comment


The secret to eating lots and not getting fat

How much can you eat before you start gaining weight? Obviously, this depends on what you eat....

July 30, 2009  2 Comments

Homemade energy bar

Energy Bar Recipe

At $2 per bar, products like PowerBar can really take a bite out of your wallet. Of course they are incredibly convenient to buy and eat. Can you really make these at home?...

July 6, 2009  20 Comments

water melon

The goodness of tomato packed in a melon

Isn't watermelon just water? It is actually over 90% water, but that leftover 10% is pretty great. For example, watermelon has more lycopene than tomatoes....

July 2, 2009

Ants on a Log

Fun for kids to make and eat (adults too!)

Ants on a log is a combination of celery, cream cheese (or peanut butter), and raisins...

June 18, 2009  2 Comments

cheese and crackers

Cheese and Crackers

This classic combination turns out to be an pretty good snack. The key is to use real cheese...

June 15, 2009  2 Comments


Snap along to a healthy place

Pre-washed stringless sugar snap peas can be found in your local supermarket in a plastic bag. Those of us...

June 10, 2009

chocolate raisins

Candy that is good for you

Can you have a treat that is also nutritious? Absolutely. There is no reason why you need to chose a food that lacks nutrients to get a great treat.

April 24, 2009  4 Comments


77 calories packed with nutrition

You get protein, lots of vitamins, fat and a whole slew of compounds that your body needs. So, eat eggs! Do not be afraid. But, try to keep it to 2 a day....

March 5, 2009  3 Comments


America's favorite fruit

Americans are bananas for bananas! They are the most consumed fruit in the United States and the world.

February 2, 2009  2 Comments



If you like crackers, Triscuits (or whole wheat baked snack crackers) are for you. They are salty and crunchy and great alternative to the higher fat alternatives such as potato chips or Doritos....

February 2, 2009  8 Comments


Orange you fabulous!

My grandfather would to send us a box of oranges for Christmas. I was pretty disappointed as a youngster because I was hoping for toys. But as an adult, I would appreciate the gift....

February 2, 2009  1 Comment


Slices of heaven

Biting into a fresh nectarine is like tasting a summer's day. So many flavors play over your tongue as you taste one....

February 2, 2009


Luxurious, low in calorie, and nutritious

If fresh raspberries were cheaper, I would eat them all the time! They are sweet, luscious, and arguably very good for you....

February 2, 2009


An apple a day is cheaper than health insurance

"An apple a day will keep the doctor away" goes the proverb. I think we can all agree that apples are much cheaper than health insurance. Can an apple really make good on its promise?...

February 2, 2009  1 Comment

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