
Late Night + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes + Salty + Vegan + Recipes

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Our First Recipe Swap Featuring Carrots & My Favorite Pickled Carrots

Don’t those look delicious? Mmmmm, carrots....

January 10, 2013  38 Comments

What Are You Bringing To Thanksgiving?

How many of you out there hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

November 5, 2012  25 Comments

Think Beyond Mayo With Spooky Green Spread

Wow! Isn’t that green up there? That isn’t food coloring....

October 18, 2012  13 Comments

Eggplant For Dummies

My partner is allergic to eggplant so there hasn’t been one eggplant post on Snack Girl. That changes today!...

July 30, 2012  33 Comments

Do Something Different With Watermelon

Sometimes it is hard to buy one of those LARGE watermelons. Are you really going to eat all of that?

July 10, 2012  17 Comments


Kale Chips: Believe The Hype

Kale is getting a lot of press and finding its way on all the top blogs. I had to ask this kale to stop on the red carpet to photograph it....

March 19, 2012  59 Comments


Looking For A Low Cal Burger? Give This Yummy, Simple, and Vegan Burger A Shot

I recently noticed that my favorite brew pub has a VEGGIE burger on its menu. Yes, we have shifted a bit when it comes to our burger consumption....

January 30, 2012  25 Comments


Broccoli With Peanut Sauce Is For Everyone (Even The Broccoli Haters)

Raise your hand if you like steamed broccoli with nothing on it! One, two.....TWO of you :)....

January 3, 2012  19 Comments


Need Umami? Try Using Mushrooms Instead of Meat

When you think of foods that will help you replace red meat in your diet, what comes to your mind? Obviously, not celery....

December 6, 2011  11 Comments


Turn A Healthy Food That You Hate Into A New Love

How many of you out there hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

November 7, 2011  29 Comments


Love Salted Chocolate Caramels? Try This Healthy Candy Alternative

No one is ever going to accuse Snack Girl of not loving a WEE bit of chocolate. But, my taste bud credentials have been called into question....

October 17, 2011  30 Comments


A Delicious Almost Zero Calorie Snack (Really!)

When you look at those mushrooms up there do you think they are covered in olive oil? Yes?...

September 29, 2011  11 Comments


Fall In Love With A New Whole Grain

The comfort zone of American cuisine is meat, potatoes, and a wee bit of vegetables. When it comes to whole grains, we are sadly lacking....

July 28, 2011  26 Comments


Chill Out With Some Watermelon Tomato Soup

You see that leaf of basil up there? I wish that was ME! Why? Because it is 100F, and that soup is COLD....

July 25, 2011  7 Comments


Why Watermelon Makes Us Feel Good

Snack Girl is chomping on watermelon and loving it. A hot day, a slice of watermelon, and watermelon juice all over the place. This is summer!...

July 11, 2011  29 Comments


A Fruit You Just Gotta Try

Something green and yummy is sitting right now in your supermarket and it will make your taste buds sing. This fruit resembles a tomato and is a staple of Mexican cuisine...

July 7, 2011  15 Comments


Sweet Corn Is A Stellar Snack

Don't tell me you haven't noticed the piles of corn at the front of your local grocery store. The stacks of 10 ears for $2 are calling Snack Girl....

June 20, 2011  16 Comments


Whole Grain, Homemade Chip: Goodbye Potato Chips!

Chips, why do we love you so? Is it the crunchiness? The saltiness? or the just plain deliciousness....

June 13, 2011  20 Comments


Wow Your Friends This Memorial Day With Salad Sticks

If it would just STOP raining, Snack Girl would get excited about Memorial Day weekend. Click your heels together and repeat after me, "My children will not watch twenty hours of TV over Memorial Day weekend."....

May 25, 2011  8 Comments


Veggie Burgers Can Be Better Than Meat Burgers (Seriously)

Snack Girl has been looking for a packaged veggie burger to endorse as a great snack. And, she hasn't found one :(...

April 27, 2011  35 Comments

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