Makeover + Morning Snack + Recipes + Under 100 Calories
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DIY Peppermint Mocha Recipe
This DIY peppermint mocha recipe with save you money and calories! (and a trip to Starbucks).....

Do-It-Yourself Breakfast Sausage: It Rocks!
What are you gonna do about breakfast sausage? It is one of those foods that is sitting in the dog house of the supermarket....

The Pumpkin Spiced Latte Makeover
Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks.

Do It Yourself Deep Chocolate VitaTop Recipe
The inspiration for today’s post came from a reader who is tired of buying VitaTops because they are expensive.

November Means Peppermint Mocha Season
Are you cold? I don’t know about where you are, but the weather is changing here....

Greet October With A Lighter Pumpkin Spiced Latte
Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks....

The Best Brand of Yogurt You Can Buy
The title here is purposely misleading. I am just trying to get you to pay attention....

Lighter Latkes (Potato Pancakes) For Hanukkah
THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil.....

Love Late Night Desserts? Try This Healthy Version of Creme Brulee
For Snack Girl, there are two food groups that derail her mostly healthy eating efforts: alcohol and desserts. Don't you DARE mix the two together....

Embrace Fall With This Pumpkin Themed Skinny Drink
Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks....

Dress Up Your Apple Slices With Cookie Dough Dip
Bored with the same old apple and peanut butter? Love to eat cookie dough out of the bowl?....

Mix Pancakes With Oatmeal And You Get A Super Breakfast
Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

This Muffin Can Save Your Life
I know what you are thinking. How can a muffin save a life? Don't we usually use things like electrified paddles?....

Never Eat Fast Food French Fries Again
Yes, you can do it! You can give up your beloved french fries and celebrate their exit from your life.....

Try This Healthy Pie.....Naked
Here at Snack Girl headquarters clothing is optional (for the 4 and under set). This is also true of our pies....

The Cheater's Guide to Healthy Yogurt
Is it possible to find a yogurt that tastes great and doesn't inflate your waist? Yes! Does yogurt have to have Sucralose or other artificial sweeteners to be low calorie? No!...

A Pumpkin Spice Latte With 77 Calories
Do you have any buddies who anxiously await the arrival of the Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte? It has been here for a month and people love it....

Mix It Up For A Delicious Snack
Do you sometimes get bored with the same old snack? Perhaps the snack you brought to work is SO dull, you make a little trip to the vending machine....

A Grab And Go Breakfast With Staying Power
My daughter begged me to serve her pancakes for her first day of school. Pancakes are usually a weekend treat, but how could I deny her?...

Love Bagels and Cream Cheese? Try This Makeover
Has anyone else noticed the size of your bagel getting bigger in the last 20 years? And the amount of cream cheese spread on them seems to be growing too!...
Showing 1 to 20 of 23 next 20 ›