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The In Season Vegetable With A Bad Reputation

Snack Girl knows how you are feeling right now. Too many bowl games?....

January 2, 2013  59 Comments

Tear Your Eyes Away From Cookies And Look At This!

Snack Girl has been hard at work determining how many cookies she will be making this weekend. I started dreaming with five different cookie recipes....

December 18, 2012  15 Comments


Looking For Red and Green? Try This!

Snack Girl will not apologize for her continued healthy holiday search. Today's entry: The Christmas Salad....

December 10, 2012  18 Comments

Pickled Beets From “Around The Southern Table”

It is beet season and time to get cooking. Don’t they look festive?....

November 26, 2012  9 Comments

What Are You Bringing To Thanksgiving?

How many of you out there hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

November 5, 2012  25 Comments

Think Beyond Mayo With Spooky Green Spread

Wow! Isn’t that green up there? That isn’t food coloring....

October 18, 2012  13 Comments

Pumpkin Mondays Continues with Pumpkin Chili

Snack Girl decided to go on the hunt for a sale on cans of pumpkin. She found enough to continue her quest for great pumpkin recipes....

September 17, 2012  38 Comments

Fantastic Ideas For 10 Dollar Dinners

Got $25 for a dinner for four? First, you buy a book for $15 and then you pay $10 for the ingredients....

August 31, 2012  17 Comments

Take Your Raw Veggies To the Next Level

Awwww, ma, raw veggies AGAIN! Yes, I know it is difficult but there is nothing healthier....

August 30, 2012  12 Comments

Got A Blender? Try This No Cook Soup For Instant Deliciousness

Do you have any relatives who say that they cook and then they just open cans? Yep, this recipe was inspired by a “Can Chef”....

August 23, 2012  24 Comments

Replace Potato Skins With Zucchini Boats

Row, row, row, your zucchini, gently down the STREAM!!...

August 1, 2012  20 Comments

Eggplant For Dummies

My partner is allergic to eggplant so there hasn’t been one eggplant post on Snack Girl. That changes today!...

July 30, 2012  33 Comments

A Ranch Dressing Makeover For All You Salad Lovers

Last week, I posted about grilling Romaine lettuce and a bunch of you asked for recipes for making your own salad dressing.

July 18, 2012  26 Comments

Romaine Lettuce Doesn’t Have To Be Boring

What am I talking about? Romaine lettuce IS boring!....

July 12, 2012  20 Comments

Do Something Different With Watermelon

Sometimes it is hard to buy one of those LARGE watermelons. Are you really going to eat all of that?

July 10, 2012  17 Comments

Turn Dull Beans Into A Potato Chip Replacement

Yesterday, we featured canned beans in a sneaky way. Today, they come out behind the curtain.

July 3, 2012  30 Comments

A Seriously Cool Appetizer Featuring Watermelon

I don’t know about you, but I am hot! The heat wave here in Massachusetts made me feel like the Wicked Witch of The West....

June 25, 2012  13 Comments

Healthier Buffalo Chicken Wings

Vegans, avert your eyes. We are going to the land of chicken and you know you are eating an animal when you chomp into a wing....

June 13, 2012  21 Comments


A Super Healthy Addition To Your Grill

Hot dogs, hamburgers, steak......salad! Yes, add some salad to your grill this Memorial Day weekend.

May 22, 2012  12 Comments


What's The Deal With Quinoa?

Seems like everyone is talking about kale and quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah). It only took about 10 readers to ask me about it before I got my butt into gear....

May 16, 2012  37 Comments

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