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Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges: A Little Cheese Goes a Long Way

Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges: A Little Cheese Goes a Long Way

These Laughing Cow Cheese wedges are an interesting take on cheese.....

March 15, 2022  87 Comments


Peanut Butter Lovers: A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline

Snack Girl features peanut butter A LOT. I happen to love the stuff and I use it almost every day....

January 4, 2012  113 Comments


Broccoli With Peanut Sauce Is For Everyone (Even The Broccoli Haters)

Raise your hand if you like steamed broccoli with nothing on it! One, two.....TWO of you :)....

January 3, 2012  19 Comments


The Healthiest and Tastiest Potato Chip In The World

What if you could make FAT-FREE crispy chips in your microwave? Wouldn't that solve all of your problems?...

November 21, 2011  26 Comments


Make Your Own Gogurt For A Healthy (and Green) Snack

Gogurts, in case you didn't know, are tubes of yogurt made by Yoplait. Every time, I pass the yogurt section with my children they demand them....

November 4, 2011  15 Comments


Better Than Real Eggs

Going vegan seems like a big trend right now as we look at our calorie intake and our environmental impact. I never thought eggs were such a big deal because nothing was slaughtered to get them....

August 23, 2011  33 Comments


A Refreshingly Sweet Zero Calorie Beverage With No Artificial Sweetener

When did you all start to drink Diet Coke? For Snack Girl, it was high school and I thought the stuff was awesome!

July 19, 2011  30 Comments


I Can't Believe You Don't Eat Butter!

Snack Girl doesn't watch much television because she hates commercials. She does watch The Daily Show online for her nightly laughter meditation.....

June 14, 2011  49 Comments


The Problem With Trail Mix Solved

Trail mix should be the perfect snack. It is portable and will stay fresh in your backpack for hours!....

May 13, 2011  129 Comments


A Healthy Packaged Snack For Your Lunch Box

If your kids are like mine, they love packaged things above fresh things. Why?....

April 29, 2011  15 Comments


Sugar Free Gum Without Artificial Sweeteners or Colors? It Exists!

Sugar free gum is a great tool for helping you lose weight. AND, chewing a piece of gum (instead of a cookie) can help you relieve stress....

April 5, 2011  50 Comments


Love Breakfast Sausage but Hate Jimmy Dean? Try This!

Snack Girl is a mostly vegetarian website because I have mixed feelings about eating meat and it is SO easy to create yummy snacks with fruits and vegetables....2SVDVERCAWM2

March 4, 2011  81 Comments


Are Canned Peaches A Healthy Snack?

Snack Girl is seriously missing her peaches. Summer seems years away!...

February 17, 2011  35 Comments

cheese stick

The Benefits of Cheese Sticks

The nice thing about individually packaged food is that you know exactly how many calories you are going to inhale....

February 4, 2011  29 Comments


Need Some Intense Dark Twilight Delight?

Since this is a family blog, you KNOW I am talking about dark chocolate. Snack Girl was cruising through the candy aisle when she found these....

January 20, 2011  15 Comments


Don't Forget This Classic

Out of fresh fruit? Can't make it to the store?...

December 16, 2010  14 Comments


Lessons From a Coconut

I was driving my minivan packed with soccer kids, drinking a pina colada.....when I woke up....

December 8, 2010  16 Comments


Can A New Drink Change Your Life?

Recently, a reader sent me a strange message about Almond Breeze. She wrote that it had CHANGED HER LIFE!...

October 18, 2010  43 Comments


Healthy Halloween Candy

Snack Girl visited her neighborhood Target this weekend and found Halloween candy stacked to the rafters. So, I decided I would beat out all the other healthy eating blogs on October's favorite topic - candy....

September 20, 2010  29 Comments


The Healthiest Microwave Popcorn

A while back, I wrote a post on Homemade Microwave Popcorn that was enjoyed by many. The simplicity of it was shocking....

September 6, 2010  20 Comments

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