Afternoon Snack + Kid Friendly + Makeover + Salty
Feeling hungry and dinner is still a long way off? Check these choices to keep you going.
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Replace Potato Skins With Zucchini Boats
Row, row, row, your zucchini, gently down the STREAM!!...

A Ranch Dressing Makeover For All You Salad Lovers
Last week, I posted about grilling Romaine lettuce and a bunch of you asked for recipes for making your own salad dressing.

Lighter Latkes (Potato Pancakes) For Hanukkah
THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil.....

Need Umami? Try Using Mushrooms Instead of Meat
When you think of foods that will help you replace red meat in your diet, what comes to your mind? Obviously, not celery....

The Healthiest and Tastiest Potato Chip In The World
What if you could make FAT-FREE crispy chips in your microwave? Wouldn't that solve all of your problems?...

Turn A Healthy Food That You Hate Into A New Love
How many of you out there hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

Love Salted Chocolate Caramels? Try This Healthy Candy Alternative
No one is ever going to accuse Snack Girl of not loving a WEE bit of chocolate. But, my taste bud credentials have been called into question....

Makeover The Best Selling Salad Dressing In America
Eating a lot of salad is a great way to maintain your health. And, when, you are asked which dressing you would like with that salad - many of you answer RANCH!....

A 100 Calorie Pizza That Will Rock Your Sox
You know what? It isn't that hard to make healthy pizza. Pizza would always be pretty healthy if we chose not to put 1/2 pound of cheese on every slice....

How To Eat Less Red Meat & Still LOVE Your Burger
This burger above has a secret. It is not as fattening as it seems. What did Snack Girl do?...

Z Fries: The Latest In Nutritious, Delicious, and Low Cal Fries
Z French like to sspeak like thissss. In France, they call French fries - frites. Don't they know they are French fries? sheesh....

Whole Grain, Homemade Chip: Goodbye Potato Chips!
Chips, why do we love you so? Is it the crunchiness? The saltiness? or the just plain deliciousness....

French Onion Dip With Zero Guilt
When someone shows up to your house with sour cream, French onion soup mix, and a bag of Ruffles - you know you are in heaven....

Veggie Burgers Can Be Better Than Meat Burgers (Seriously)
Snack Girl has been looking for a packaged veggie burger to endorse as a great snack. And, she hasn't found one :(...

Satan Would Hate This Recipe
Yes, this photo does look like "deviled" eggs, but Snack Girl has a fix to make them much less evil....

Never Eat Fast Food French Fries Again
Yes, you can do it! You can give up your beloved french fries and celebrate their exit from your life.....

Makeover Frozen Pizza into Super Healthy Pizza
Some of my readers make whole wheat pizza dough, homemade tomato sauce, own a pizza stone, and create amazing pies in their oven. Thank you for reading Snack-Girl, Martha Stewart....

Panini Extreme Makeover (Take THAT Quiznos!)
Maybe you like grilled cheese sandwiches? Okay, who doesn't like grilled cheese sandwiches?...

Makeover Kettle Corn Into "Can Do" Corn
Kettle corn has that perfect combination of crunchy, salty, and sweet that keeps you eating it long after you should stop....

How To Make Healthy Nachos
I know what you are thinking. The words "healthy" and "nachos" do not belong together in a sentence. But, Snack Girl has been sent a new product that has changed her mind....
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