Packaged + Salty
We have reviewed some of the many pre-packaged snacks which can be purchased in most convenience stores. Please send us a suggestion if your favorite snack is not here.
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Are Whole Wheat Ritz Crackers Healthy?
Whole wheat Ritz crackers have the potential to be healthy…if they actually existed.....

Wasabi Peas: Are They a Healthy Choice?
What exactly are wasabi peas and are they good for you?....

SUBWAY Veggie Delight: FAST But Fresh and Healthy?
SUBWAY Veggie Delight is the poster sandwich for a healthy fast food choice. The ingredients include whole wheat bread and a ton of veggies.

The New and Improved Wheat Thins
Snack Girl has a long history with Nabisco. We go WAYYY back to 2010....

The One Portable Snack That Will Make You Unstoppable
The simplest snacks are truly the best. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, or peanuts are a nutritious and portable snack....

The Skinny on Bagel Thins
Thomas' has managed to put two words together that spend most of their time apart - "bagel" and "thin". Nobody is getting thin eating bagels, trust me.

Are Whole Grain Goldfish Healthier Than Regular Goldfish?
Have you checked out your local cracker aisle? At last count, there were ELEVEN different bags of Goldfish!....

Peanut Butter Lovers: A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline
Snack Girl features peanut butter A LOT. I happen to love the stuff and I use it almost every day....

A Nutty Solution To Holiday Snacking
Looking for a way to make it through the holidays without adding to your muffin top? I know I am....

Looking For A Healthy Halloween Candy Option? Problem Solved!
Last year, Snack Girl jumped into the healthy "candy" arena with a post that angered my readers....

Fab Snack Finds For Keeping It Fun
Snack Girl LOVES to surf.....the internet. Actually, I have tried actual surfing in the ocean and my style is more "under the water" surfing....

Starbucks Bistro Box: A Grab and Go Under 500 Calorie Lunch
Do you go to Starbucks in the AM to grab that cup of joe? Many people do including one of my best pals, Samantha....

Lighter, Fluffier Trail Mix
Trail mix is for taking on your hike. Anyone been on a hike lately? No? Me, neither....

I Can't Believe You Don't Eat Butter!
Snack Girl doesn't watch much television because she hates commercials. She does watch The Daily Show online for her nightly laughter meditation.....

Suppress Your Appetite Without Drugs
Snack Girl receives desperate e-mails almost every day from people who are hungry and don't want to eat. Frankly, I never know what to say....

Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds
When I saw these, I just HAD to try them. Could these be the perfect snack?....

Do You Recognize This Bag? Bet You Can't Guess The Source
Snack Girl is consistently amazed at the power of marketing. More specifically, the power of food marketing....

Love Breakfast Sausage but Hate Jimmy Dean? Try This!
Snack Girl is a mostly vegetarian website because I have mixed feelings about eating meat and it is SO easy to create yummy snacks with fruits and vegetables....2SVDVERCAWM2

Can Domino's Deliver A Healthy and Tasty Meal?
You would have to be living under rock to miss the Domino's marketing campaign. Seems that they changed their recipe, and their food doesn't taste like cardboard....

A Surprise Finding, Starbucks Serves Breakfast Sandwiches
The relentless search for a decent egg breakfast sandwich continues with an entrant from Starbucks....
Showing 1 to 20 of 74 next 20 ›