
Snack Girl Archives

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Skinny Girl Red Wine Review

The Skinny on Skinny Girl Wine

One of the common refrains of my buddies is “if I could just stop drinking red wine I would lose that last 10 pounds”....

March 26, 2014  41 Comments

Recipe From Snack Girl To The Rescue!

A Grab And Go Breakfast from Snack Girl To The Rescue!

How many of you need to be saved from the Egg Mcmuffin? Or a huge muffin? Do I have a recipe for you!...

March 25, 2014  9 Comments

Chocolate Popcorn

Chocolate Popcorn Rocks

Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

March 24, 2014  11 Comments

Swimsuit Season

How To Rock Your Swimsuit This Summer

Snack Girl believes that swimsuit season is coming. There may be snow on the ground, but I feel it’s impending arrival....

March 20, 2014  16 Comments

Smoky Cauliflower Recipe

Add A Little of This To Your Cauliflower

Snack Girl is forever trying to sell you cauliflower. You can never have enough cauliflower in my opinion....

March 19, 2014  32 Comments

Need Milk?

Milk....It Does A Body Good?

When you think about healthy eating as much as I have, you begin to question everything you have been told....

March 18, 2014  56 Comments

Boiled Dinner

Try Boiling Your Dinner

Boiled Dinner – doesn’t that sound delicious? I know you want to try it.

March 17, 2014  7 Comments

Irish Soda Bread Muffins

Muffinize Your Irish Soda Bread

The St. Patrick’s Day posts keep coming here on Snack Girl. I’m not Irish but I like to celebrate....

March 13, 2014  17 Comments

Lighter Broccoli Slaw

Serve Broccoli Slaw For Saint Patrick’s Day

Snack Girl got on her high horse on Monday and castigated the fake green food industry....

March 12, 2014  14 Comments

Special Offer Snack Girl To The Rescue

A Special Offer For Snack Girl Readers

You know how there’s no such thing as a free lunch? I supposed that is true....

March 11, 2014  23 Comments


A New Way To Celebrate St. Patrick's Day

Your doctor has been telling you to eat more green things, right? How do these look?

March 10, 2014  9 Comments

Kale Potato Soup

Soup Season Isn’t Over Yet

March is one of those months that I wish would hurry up....

March 6, 2014  24 Comments

100 Calorie Healthy Snacks

100 Calorie Healthy Snacks

100 is a magical number for some people. An entire snack product industry is based on this concept of a 100 calorie snack.

March 5, 2014  4 Comments

Butter Cake

A Slice of Yummy Cake for 80 Calories

Every once in a while, Snack Girl can’t get enough of a certain food or idea....

March 4, 2014  22 Comments

New Nutrition Label

Nutrition Labels Are Getting A Makeover

How often do you think you need a makeover? How about every 20 years?

March 3, 2014  27 Comments

Snack Girl To The Rescue Excerpt

Need Some Convincing? Try a Few Pages

Snack Girl knows there are readers out there who are waiting until they can pick my book up before they buy it.

February 27, 2014  9 Comments

Tortellini Soup

Pasta Can Be Your Friend

Snack Girl knows it isn’t good to demonize a food....

February 26, 2014  7 Comments

Carnation Breakfast Essentials Review

Is Carnation Breakfast Essentials Necessary?

Snack Girl found herself watching a commercial for this product over and over....

February 25, 2014  32 Comments

Black Bean Blender Brownies

Gluten-Free Black Bean Blender Brownies

Sometimes you hear a crazy idea and you simply must try it....

February 24, 2014  22 Comments

Fitness and Womens Health

Snack Girl To The Rescue! Takes Off

You see that woman up there? That’s me....

February 21, 2014  31 Comments

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