
Snack Girl Archives

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Snack Girl's List of Healthy Snacks

Healthy snack ideas are stacking up here on Snack Girl. Over the last year, I have posted a bunch of suggestions (some good, some not)....

September 10, 2010  10 Comments


Fast Food Fried Chicken Experiment: The Results Are In!

Last week, I started another experiment see here: Fast Food Fried Chicken Experiment: Is it Fresh Food?. My experiment has gone 7 days and the results are in....

September 9, 2010  9 Comments


Avoid The Evil Muffin at Starbucks With This Healthy Snack (Giveaway, too!)

Starbucks is a great place for a pick me up. People stop there and grab something to keep them awake....

September 8, 2010  170 Comments


The Healthiest Microwave Popcorn

A while back, I wrote a post on Homemade Microwave Popcorn that was enjoyed by many. The simplicity of it was shocking....

September 6, 2010  20 Comments


Favorite Snacks From The Actor's Diet

Lynn over at The Actor's Diet is no ordinary food blogger...

September 5, 2010  4 Comments


Why You Should Have a Post-It Stuck To Your Mirror

Caitlin has a mission. Her goal is to end negative self-talk or "Fat Talk". Is it mission impossible?...

September 3, 2010  9 Comments


Fast Food Fried Chicken Experiment: Is it Fresh Food?

The most popular post on Snack Girl has not been about a healthy snack. In April, I wrote this: McDonald's Burger Left for Two Weeks, and over 30,000 people have viewed it....

September 2, 2010  13 Comments


Guess What's in The Picture

My pal, Hemi at Fooducate provides a lot of great advice on buying healthy food at the supermarket.....

September 1, 2010  59 Comments


Colorful and Healthy: Carrot, Raisin, Cream Cheese Bite

The healthiest eaters among us incorporate vegetables or fruit in every meal. This can be tricky because vegetables take time to prepare....

August 31, 2010  21 Comments


Skinny Italian Book Winner!

The winner of Skinny Italian by Teresa Guidice is (via random selection) is...

August 31, 2010


Women Food And God - Even The Book Title Makes You Think

I promised my Snack Girl readers that I would keep them updated on my Snack Girl Challenge (to lose 10 pounds). Well, I hit a bump this month....

August 27, 2010  9 Comments


A Yummy and Healthy Cookie Under 100 Calories

One holy grail of healthy snack foods is the healthy cookie. A tasty cookie, that has natural ingredients, and won't make you fat is a beautiful thing....

August 26, 2010  9 Comments


Natural Jif: What's The Dif?

After Snack Girl's recent exposé on Whole Grain vs Original Wheat Thins, readers have started sending her other potential food fakes....

August 25, 2010  67 Comments


Skinny Italian Tomato Snack Recipe

Skinny Italian seems like an oxymoron. Can you eat pasta by the tons and still be skinny?...

August 24, 2010  75 Comments


Your Eggs Should Be Salmonella Free

In case you missed it, there has been a massive egg recall due to salmonella poisoning....

August 24, 2010  4 Comments


How Do YOU Control Portion Size?

Most of us are struggling with the same problems with our waistline. We love food and we eat too much of it...

August 23, 2010  17 Comments


Reduced Fat Chips Can Be Delicious

Snack Girl never stops searching for healthy snacks. Even on vacation, she tirelessly hunts down tasty treats!....

August 19, 2010  1 Comment


Winner of The Easy Lunch Box

The winner of the Easy Lunch Box is....

August 19, 2010  1 Comment


A Cherry Tomato Salad For Summer

My farm share just gave us the go ahead to pick AS MANY cherry tomatoes as we want! Is that crazy?....

August 18, 2010  10 Comments


How Erin Lost 65 Pounds

Snack Girl absolutely loves Jennifer Hudson. BUT, she is not inspired by Jennifer's weight loss story....

August 17, 2010  16 Comments

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