
Snack Girl Archives

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Ants on a Log

Replace Afternoon Treats with These Healthy Snack Makeovers

Do you have a food fight with your child after school? Is your child starving because he tossed out his uneaten lunch because he was having too much fun in the school cafeteria?...

February 10, 2010  4 Comments


If You are Going to Eat Just One Treat for Valentine's - Make It This One

You can't walk into a store right now without being bombarded with chocolate. The lovely heart shaped boxes in red just sing out - buy me! Chocolates can be over 160 calories each!...

February 9, 2010  5 Comments


Are Kashi Crackers (cover your ears) Kashit?

After taking on Ritz Crackers, I decided to look into other brands of crackers. Kashi crackers really SCREAMED to me from the supermarket shelf. 8g Whole Grains!....

February 8, 2010  26 Comments


Cheeseburger Watch 2010: Day 7

The cheeseburger is a bit dried out, but it does not smell. I am very surprised because I thought it would start to smell. Also, there is no sign of mold on the bread. Let's see what it looks like next week!

February 6, 2010


How Candice Lost 80 Pounds and Changed Her Life

Candice is one of us. She didn't go on the Biggest Loser or hire a private chef. And she lost 80 pounds....

February 5, 2010  6 Comments


Winner! and EcoGroovy Snack Bag Giveaway

Snack-Girl had a record number of entrants for the Easy Lunch Box. You guys need to get some new lunch gear!! The WINNER...

February 4, 2010  16 Comments


Healthy Party Snacks for Couch Potatoes

Are there magnets in your couch when you watch the Super Bowl? It seems amazing to me how long we sit and watch this spectacle. Snack-Girl will be out doing a 5K (in her mind)....

February 3, 2010


Pump Up Your Frozen Pizza

Some of my readers make pizza dough, tomato sauce, dice vegetables, grate cheese, own a pizza stone, and create amazing pies in their oven. Thank you for reading Snack-Girl, Martha Stewart....

February 2, 2010  1 Comment


Sneak Healthy Dip into Your Super Bowl Party

When we think of the Super Bowl, we think of BBQ chicken wings, pizza, 7 layer dip, guacamole, Potato Chips, Doritos, beer, etc. (mouth watering, yet?)...

February 1, 2010  6 Comments


Cheeseburger Watch 2010: Will it Rot?

If you leave a McDonald's cheeseburger at room temperature will look the same 4 years later? This sounds implausible, BUT a friend of mine says she has seen a 4 year old burger....

January 29, 2010  14 Comments


You Need This Lunch Box - Give Away from

I am ALWAYS looking for ways to make my morning easier and to be green. I pack two lunches per day for my kids, and I use many different containers to give them variety (apple sauce, carrot sticks, crackers, grapes, raisins, etc.)...

January 28, 2010  63 Comments


3 Reasons to Avoid Ritz Crackers

I'm locking my doors tonight in case the people from Nabsico try to take their revenge. Why, Snack-Girl, do you need to mess with an American icon?...

January 27, 2010  68 Comments


This Food is An Instant Party in Your Mouth

Is there a food out there that can explode with taste and also fight cancer? The obvious answer is berries, but the fresh ones are pretty pricey....

January 26, 2010  12 Comments


Have a Healthy Brownie! (a Mere 77 Calories)

Is it possible to create a healthy brownie? A regular brownie contains oodles of butter, sugar, eggs, and chocolate. They are a confection of MEGA calorific proportions and should be eaten as a treat....

January 25, 2010  8 Comments


Help a Snack-Girl Reader Transition to Healthier Eating

A life altering event, such as breast cancer, can force you to question your mortality and change your bad eating habits. It isn't easy, but it CAN be done. I know that many Snack-Girl readers have made big changes and I want to the group to help....

January 22, 2010  3 Comments


A Grecian Snack for All Time

Simple, elegant, and delicious, you can't go wrong with olives for a healthy snack. Olive bars have been popping up in supermarkets all over the country, and I, for one, am a BIG fan....

January 21, 2010  8 Comments


Comfort Food without the Uncomfortable Guilt

Comfort food, by definition, makes us feel better. The BEST comfort food are the ones that both make us feel better and are healthy....

January 20, 2010  2 Comments


No-Bake, Nut Butter, Oatmeal Cookie

Let's be honest. Nobody has time to bake. Okay, if you have time to bake, you are in the minority. My favorite snacks are one that are just assembled from readily available ingredients and served with no mess....

January 19, 2010  20 Comments


The Worst Pizza on the Planet

What evil mind came up with this pizza combination? Was it the corporate folks at Domino's? Or some neighborhood pizzeria trying to change the world?...

January 18, 2010  27 Comments


Customize Your Healthy Chocolate Treat

What if you could create the chocolate of your dreams in a few easy steps? What would you add to your chocolate if you had a ton of different flavors at the tips of your fingers?....

January 15, 2010  3 Comments

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