
Healthy + 3 SmartPts + Recipes

These snacks will give your body the nutrients it needs to function. Keep them on hand for a great snack.

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Healthier Egg Nog Recipe

A healthy eggnog recipe? Can it be done?...

December 11, 2019  29 Comments


A "No Peel" Apple Recipe To Make You Swoon

The apple season is in full swing here in New England and I can't stop buying them. The taste of fresh apples is one of life's great joys....

September 25, 2019  20 Comments

Butternut Squash Coconut Soup

This soup is HUGE on flavor, low in calories, and incredibly healthy. Win, win, win....

October 25, 2015  18 Comments

Homemade Granola: A Small Cupful of Goodness

I make this granola often because I love it. I developed the recipe for my book because I wanted to give readers an alternative to boxed cereal.

September 23, 2015  13 Comments

Chia Seed Chocolate Pudding

About a year ago, I wondered why anyone would use Chia seeds for anything....

September 9, 2015  18 Comments

Freeze it For a Fast Summer Breakfast

Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?

August 17, 2015  2 Comments

Light and Impressively Tasty: Jerk Shrimp with Pineapple

My grill is fired up and I have started poking things with sticks....

June 2, 2015  3 Comments

Slow Cooker Roast Chicken

There seem to be a never-ending source of recipes that use “cooked chicken”....

April 21, 2015  23 Comments

The Right Kind of Fast Food: Roasted Shrimp

Can you cook a delicious meal in five minutes? Well, I can almost do it (if my oven didn’t take 10 minutes to heat up)....

March 26, 2015  15 Comments

Stovetop Granola in Minutes

I am a big fan of granola. It is my “cookie replacement” and my breakfast instead of sugary cereal....

February 24, 2015  15 Comments

Steel-Cut Oats Faster Than Instant

It is winter and I have the desire for a hot breakfast. Actually, I have a desire for trip to the Bahamas but that isn’t going to happen....

February 5, 2015  47 Comments

The Easiest, Healthiest Dip For the Big Game

I couldn’t go into this weekend without making one more dip. Hey, when the Patriots win, I want to be celebrating in style....

January 29, 2015  12 Comments


A Healthier Version of Potato Latkes

THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil.

December 18, 2014  9 Comments

Turkey Breast: The Slow Cooker Method

A few weeks ago, I roasted turkey breast and found out that I had done it all wrong.....

November 12, 2014  31 Comments

Stop Buying Sliced Turkey Breast: DIY Turkey

My last visit to the supermarket revealed that the big bird is back in town....

October 27, 2014  20 Comments

Asian-Inspired Three Bean Salad from GreenLiteBites

Roni from GreenLiteBites is an inspiration.

September 22, 2014  9 Comments

Cream Soup Like You've Never Had Before

I cannot believe I am writing about soup already! The overnight lows here have been in the 40’s....

September 17, 2014  16 Comments

Secret Ingredient Chocolate Pudding

Do you have people bugging you to try new things? I get many e-mails from readers that tell me that I am missing out....

September 10, 2014  37 Comments

A Fun Breakfast for The Rush: Energy Balls

My children’s school no longer allows them to bring any nuts. No peanuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts – NADA!....

September 9, 2014  22 Comments

The Ultimate Milkshake Makeover

Do I like smoothies more than milkshakes? Before yesterday, my answer would have been, “not really”....

July 17, 2014  13 Comments

The Flavors of Carrot Cake In A Smoothie

Snack Girl is a bit obsessed with smoothies right now. Something about the weather heating up, makes me want to drink frothy drinks....

May 28, 2014  17 Comments

You Have A Date With This Smoothie and Snack Girl (Contest and Giveaway)

This smoothie approaches the holy grail of healthy recipes – the treat that is REALLY good for you....

May 8, 2014  10 Comments

Swap The Bottle For A Mason Jar

It is time to talk about a very dull subject, salad. Ho hum....

April 29, 2014  22 Comments

A Grab And Go Breakfast from Snack Girl To The Rescue!

How many of you need to be saved from the Egg Mcmuffin? Or a huge muffin? Do I have a recipe for you!...

March 25, 2014  9 Comments

Chocolate Popcorn Rocks

Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

March 24, 2014  11 Comments

A Slice of Yummy Cake for 80 Calories

Every once in a while, Snack Girl can’t get enough of a certain food or idea....

March 4, 2014  22 Comments

It is Time for a Warm Salad

Do you think the words “warm” and “salad” work together? Well, they can if you use lentils....

January 29, 2014  8 Comments

Gluten-Free Cranberry Orange Muffins for a Post Holiday Breakfast

Snack Girl hopes you have a lovely Thanksgiving and that you enjoy your food....

November 27, 2013  7 Comments

Let’s Talk Turkey

Snack Girl realizes she will be the only food blogger who covers turkey this month – but she likes to be a rebel....

November 7, 2013  21 Comments

Why Snack Girl Loves This Salad

I was tempted to entitle this post, “Why Snack Girl Loves This Cupcake”, because salad puts people to sleep. zzzzz.....

September 23, 2013  23 Comments

Who Needs Jars? Make Your Own Tomato Sauce

Last week, Snack Girl took on the subject of tomato sauce in jars and got flamed....

September 5, 2013  17 Comments

An Entire Serving of “Fries” for 133 Calories

Snack Girl can hear you all. Those aren’t fries, those are carrots!...

August 26, 2013  15 Comments

Another Healthy BBQ Side: Red Potato Salad

Yeah, baby, it is time for potato salad. I used to buy it at my local supermarket until I found out how much better it is when you make it fresh.....

July 17, 2013  17 Comments

Mason Jar Yogurt Parfait

Do you know those containers of fruit flavored yogurts? You know the ones I am referring to - Yoplait, Chobani, Dannon. etc.....

July 15, 2013  23 Comments

A Super Cold Breakfast For Summer

Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?....

July 10, 2013  12 Comments

Hit Your Cake Craving With The Microwave

Snack Girl is probably the last person to attempt to cook in a mug in the microwave....

June 4, 2013  58 Comments

GOOD READ: A Springtime Vegetable You Shouldn’t Miss

Once a year, I bring out the “good read” in order to get you to check out my post....

May 20, 2013  13 Comments

Never Buy Salad Dressing Again

Someone put something on that naked salad up there! Man, that looks cold....

April 30, 2013  37 Comments

Love Chocolate Shakes? Give This Smoothie A Try

Sometimes I wish I was the kind of person who would walk by an ice cream store and not notice it....

April 15, 2013  37 Comments

A Summer Dish For The Winter: Cherry Tomato Gratin

Anyone else missing summer? I spend way too much of my time surfing for travel deals to warm places....

February 20, 2013  15 Comments

A Buffalo Cauliflower Recipe For The Snack Girl Recipe Swap

Last month, I featured a recipe swap with carrots as the featured vegetable. Thanks so much for sharing your recipes.

February 7, 2013  32 Comments


Looking For Red and Green? Try This!

Snack Girl will not apologize for her continued healthy holiday search. Today's entry: The Christmas Salad....

December 10, 2012  18 Comments


Try A Lighter Potato Pancake

THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil....

December 5, 2012  9 Comments

Pickled Beets From “Around The Southern Table”

It is beet season and time to get cooking. Don’t they look festive?....

November 26, 2012  9 Comments

Do It Yourself Deep Chocolate VitaTop Recipe

The inspiration for today’s post came from a reader who is tired of buying VitaTops because they are expensive.

November 20, 2012  15 Comments

A New Lighter Thanksgiving Pie To Try

Do you ever want to make a pie and don’t have a crust or want to make one? There is a simple solution.

November 15, 2012  18 Comments


Good Read: How To Enjoy Fresh Cranberries

After picking on dried cranberries last week (see: The Truth About Dried Cranberries), I decided to feature the fresh variety....

October 30, 2012  17 Comments

Think Beyond Mayo With Spooky Green Spread

Wow! Isn’t that green up there? That isn’t food coloring....

October 18, 2012  13 Comments

Pizza Without Guilt

Snack Girl doesn’t believe in guilt about food. For me, there is no “good” food vs. “evil” food....

September 28, 2012  20 Comments

Fantastic Ideas For 10 Dollar Dinners

Got $25 for a dinner for four? First, you buy a book for $15 and then you pay $10 for the ingredients....

August 31, 2012  17 Comments


Heat Up Your Pan And Make Some Healthy Pancakes

Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

August 6, 2012  25 Comments

Refreshing Breakfast On A Stick

Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?....

July 16, 2012  11 Comments

How To Replace A Cinnabon

Snack Girl reserves black and white photos for foods that trigger people to eat. One of my pals told me that my photo of onion rings made her hungry and ever since then I use black and white....

June 20, 2012  53 Comments

GOOD READ: A Vegetable You Gotta Try

I decided to put "Good Read" in my title in the hopes that you will actually read what I have to say....

May 31, 2012  66 Comments


This Tuna Melt Is So Light & Tasty It Will Make You Cry

Tuna melts use to be a staple in my college dorm. One cup mayonnaise, a little tuna, and say the word "green" and you had lunch!...

May 2, 2012  40 Comments


Make This Delicious Brownie And Eat It Every Day Guilt Free

Snack Girl's survey on Friday gave me some great information! One suggestion was a makeover for brownies.

April 9, 2012  19 Comments


A Healthy Twist On An Old Favorite: The Rice Krispie Treat

It is fun to try to make notoriously bad food into something healthier. The Rice Krispie Treat is just lookin' for a makeover....

March 14, 2012  21 Comments


How To Make Dark Chocolate Last Forever

Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

March 7, 2012  22 Comments


Give The Healthiest Vegetable on The Planet Some Love

Yes! You know the vegetable that I am referring to - KALE. Kale is on every list for "healthiest vegetable".

February 22, 2012  17 Comments


Eight Exciting Things To Do With Bananas

When people meet me for the first time, what do you think they ask me? Where did you get your nails done?....

February 15, 2012  18 Comments


This Valentine's Day Give Your Love A Healthy Heart

Yes, it is time to show your love and devotion to your partner. Do you want to give him/her a box of chocolates?....

February 6, 2012  3 Comments


Broccoli With Peanut Sauce Is For Everyone (Even The Broccoli Haters)

Raise your hand if you like steamed broccoli with nothing on it! One, two.....TWO of you :)....

January 3, 2012  19 Comments


Lighter Latkes (Potato Pancakes) For Hanukkah

THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil.....

December 20, 2011  11 Comments


The Unthinkable: A Christmas Salad

Snack Girl will not apologize for her continued healthy holiday search. Today's entry: The Christmas Salad.

December 15, 2011  10 Comments


Vegan, Luxurious, Hot......Chocolate

Snack Girl finds that most hot chocolate mixes are missing something important. They lack the most important flavor of all....

December 8, 2011  25 Comments


You Need To Cook With This Berry NOW! (Healthy Muffin Recipe)

Have you noticed the lovely bags of red berries greeting you in the produce aisle? Fresh cranberries are here!...

November 17, 2011  22 Comments


The Cheapest And Healthiest Snack In The Snack Aisle

The snack aisle is one of the worst places in the grocery store to find a snack. But, there is an exception.

October 26, 2011  33 Comments


The Secret To Making Chicken Breast Taste Much Better Than A Hockey Puck

Snack Girl hasn't sucked on a hockey puck lately, but she has grilled skinless chicken breast past the point of edible....

September 19, 2011  44 Comments


Mix Pancakes With Oatmeal And You Get A Super Breakfast

Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

August 30, 2011  21 Comments


This Muffin Can Save Your Life

I know what you are thinking. How can a muffin save a life? Don't we usually use things like electrified paddles?....

August 25, 2011  37 Comments


How To Make A Healthy Cake Pop

Snack Girl is a mother of a first grader who is now reading. Yesterday, she decided to read the newspaper where there was a feature on something called "Cake Pops"....

June 2, 2011  16 Comments


Veggie Burgers Can Be Better Than Meat Burgers (Seriously)

Snack Girl has been looking for a packaged veggie burger to endorse as a great snack. And, she hasn't found one :(...

April 27, 2011  35 Comments


Get Your Spring On With This Vegetable

Last year, Snack Girl featured one of her FAVORITE Spring vegetables and no one read my post. No, I won't give up....

April 26, 2011  35 Comments


A Cookie Without Dairy or Egg (It is STILL Delicious!)

If you read Snack Girl enough, you know that I like a challenge. I had seen vegan cookies at cafes and thought, "no butter, no eggs, equals a disgusting cookie"....

April 13, 2011  35 Comments


Who Else Wants Bacon?

What is bacon doing on Snack Girl? This site is supposed to be healthy!...

April 4, 2011  15 Comments


This Is Not Your Mother's Rice Krispie Treat

Snack Girl has been working on a "new" Rice Krispie treat for a while now. First, I had to change the name....

March 16, 2011  23 Comments


Simply Lovely Valentine's Day Breakfast

You don't want to kill your Valentine with killer food, do you? Show your love by making something healthy....

February 8, 2011  11 Comments


Give the Gift of A Healthy Snack (Your Friends Won't Even Know Its Healthy!)

Looking for that perfect gift for that special someone? Put down your credit card and rev up your food processor.

December 1, 2010  32 Comments


Healthy Banana Pudding from Jack LaLanne

Before Jillian Michaels, Jane Fonda, and Zumba there was Jack LaLanne. He presented fitness and exercise advice on TV for 34 years!...

October 14, 2010  19 Comments


Try Rhubarb - In Season Now and Super Yummy

The best place to find healthy eating inspiration is your local produce source. And if you pay attention, you will see that there are vegetables and fruits that arrive at different times of year....

May 10, 2010  6 Comments


Banana Quesadilla: A Delicious After-Exercise Snack

Whether you do yoga, walk, spin, bike, run, or swim, you usually get hungry after activity. Many people reach for energy bars such as PowerBar, but with a little creativity, you can do a WHOLE lot better....

April 21, 2010  21 Comments


The Tiniest (and Yummiest) Pizzas on The Planet

The quest for the quickest (and healthiest) pizza continues! One dedicated Snack-Girl reader, Theresa, sent me her solution for a pizza makeover after I posted English Muffin Pizza....

December 28, 2009  18 Comments


Quick and Healthy Pizza

Is it necessary to add 3/4 of a pound of cheese to a pizza to have it be delicious? Do you need a cheese stuffed crust to have a great eating experience? I don't think so....

October 26, 2009  20 Comments

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