
Recipes + Morning Snack + Sweet

Below is a list of all the recipes on Snack Girl. Need less than 100 calories or a sweet snack? Choose one of the terms below to refine your search.

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. Recipes and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

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Low Calorie Cereal Recipe

Low Calorie Cereal Recipe

Low calorie cereal is easy to make. I know you want to buy it - but it tastes much better to make it........

May 1, 2024  41 Comments

Healthy Baked Oatmeal **VIDEO**

Healthy baked oatmeal is always a hit in my house. It is like a muffin (and like a pudding).....

December 26, 2023  64 Comments

DIY Starbucks Peppermint Mocha

DIY Peppermint Mocha Recipe

This DIY peppermint mocha recipe with save you money and calories! (and a trip to Starbucks).....

December 6, 2021  27 Comments


A "No Peel" Apple Recipe To Make You Swoon

The apple season is in full swing here in New England and I can't stop buying them. The taste of fresh apples is one of life's great joys....

September 25, 2019  20 Comments


Healthy Apple Crisp Recipe **VIDEO**

This healthy apple crisp recipe is THE dessert of fall. It only uses one apple!....

October 16, 2017  39 Comments

Time for Apple Oatmeal Muffins

My backyard has 14 apple trees and guess what? This is a great year for apples. Y’all want to come over and pick some? (not kidding)

September 21, 2015  7 Comments

Freeze it For a Fast Summer Breakfast

Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?

August 17, 2015  2 Comments

Stovetop Granola in Minutes

I am a big fan of granola. It is my “cookie replacement” and my breakfast instead of sugary cereal....

February 24, 2015  15 Comments

In a Hurry? Try a Coffee Smoothie for Breakfast

A good friend of mine does not like to eat breakfast, but she does like to drink coffee....

February 17, 2015  22 Comments

Need A Muffin That Will Fill You Up? Check out this Bran Muffin

I have to admit to hating bran muffins for most of my life. Then I decided to make my own, but I did encounter a few hurdles.

January 8, 2015  18 Comments

Do-It-Yourself Instant Oatmeal: Healthy and Insanely Easy

There is an entire ¼ aisle of my grocery store devoted to little packages of oatmeal....

November 5, 2014  25 Comments

PB&J Protein Smoothie from Eating Bird Food

Doesn’t that look good? A lot better than bird food no doubt....

October 9, 2014  8 Comments

fANNEtastic food

How To Become a Marathoner and Spiced Butternut Squash Muffins from Fannetastic Food

Anne is a Registered Dietician and a marathoner. How healthy can you be?...

October 2, 2014  4 Comments

A Fun Breakfast for The Rush: Energy Balls

My children’s school no longer allows them to bring any nuts. No peanuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts – NADA!....

September 9, 2014  22 Comments

Mason Jar Iced Mocha

Get Out Your Mason Jars: DIY Iced Mocha

Whew! Snack Girl doesn’t know what temperature it is in your neck of the woods, but here it is hot....

June 25, 2014  18 Comments

Secret Ingredient Pancakes: Healthy, Delicious, and Light

Mmmmmmm, pancakes. Pan….cake. How can you go wrong?.....

May 12, 2014  20 Comments

Gluten-Free Cranberry Orange Muffins for a Post Holiday Breakfast

Snack Girl hopes you have a lovely Thanksgiving and that you enjoy your food....

November 27, 2013  7 Comments


Give Holiday Banana Bread This Season

Can you trick your pals into believing you used a stick of butter to make your banana bread? I think so!...

November 13, 2013  21 Comments


The Pumpkin Spiced Latte Makeover

Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks.

October 16, 2013  19 Comments

Apple Oatmeal Muffins For Fall

Sometimes, Snack Girl goes on a food jag. Her latest is apples....

September 30, 2013  17 Comments

Time To Get Out The Pumpkin

Are there pumpkins sitting at your local supermarket?

September 25, 2013  13 Comments

Change Up Breakfast With Baked Oatmeal

If you combine whole grains, eggs, yogurt, milk, and fruit what do you get? Breakfast!...

September 3, 2013  22 Comments

Mason Jar Yogurt Parfait

Do you know those containers of fruit flavored yogurts? You know the ones I am referring to - Yoplait, Chobani, Dannon. etc.....

July 15, 2013  23 Comments

A Super Cold Breakfast For Summer

Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?....

July 10, 2013  12 Comments

Easy Iced Mocha

Save Money and Calories With This Iced Mocha

Whew! Snack Girl doesn’t know what temperature it is in your neck of the woods, but here it is hot....

June 19, 2013  22 Comments

You Can Make Your Own Donuts (Without A Deep Fryer)

Snack Girl has a donut problem. She can tell you within a five mile radius where all the delicious donuts can be purchased....

April 29, 2013  45 Comments

A Cheese Danish Makeover

Let’s say you are a fledging food photographer and your husband eats your garnish. What should you do?...

April 2, 2013  23 Comments


A Fruit Dip To Keep Life Interesting

Snack Girl has long advocated for an apple and peanut butter for a perfect snack. Basically, you got your fruit with a another whole food (peanuts) just blended up. Super yum!...

March 11, 2013  21 Comments


No Time To Make Real Oatmeal? Try This

Do you have time to make real oatmeal? I didn’t think so.

March 6, 2013  35 Comments

A Decadent Tasting But Healthy Dessert

Sweet potatoes have been haunting me. They are inexpensive and we don’t eat enough of them....

January 31, 2013  23 Comments

Do It Yourself Deep Chocolate VitaTop Recipe

The inspiration for today’s post came from a reader who is tired of buying VitaTops because they are expensive.

November 20, 2012  15 Comments

Peppermint Mocha

November Means Peppermint Mocha Season

Are you cold? I don’t know about where you are, but the weather is changing here....

November 12, 2012  19 Comments


Good Read: How To Enjoy Fresh Cranberries

After picking on dried cranberries last week (see: The Truth About Dried Cranberries), I decided to feature the fresh variety....

October 30, 2012  17 Comments


Greet October With A Lighter Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks....

October 1, 2012  18 Comments

A Pumpkin Pie Smoothie For Fall

Last week, I introduced Fall with a no bake pumpkin oatmeal cookie. But, I had a problem....

September 10, 2012  24 Comments

A No Bake Cookie That Salutes Fall

I’ve spent some time trying not to bake, but I still love cookies. The best cookies, of course, are made with love....

September 4, 2012  48 Comments

Have You Tried Baked Oatmeal?

If you combine whole grains, eggs, yogurt, milk, and fruit what do you get? Breakfast!....

August 29, 2012  44 Comments

The Best Brand of Yogurt You Can Buy

The title here is purposely misleading. I am just trying to get you to pay attention....

August 27, 2012  84 Comments


Cantaloupe For An Easy Healthy Breakfast

I want to know which creative thinker came up with a "bread" bowl. That person was ON to something. Of course, most of us need to avoid bread bowls (especially if they are filled with a clam chowder)...

August 20, 2012  23 Comments

Hide An Entire Carrot In This Wrap

Do you want to sneak some veggies in without anyone noticing? Use the sushi method of vegetable hiding....

August 13, 2012  13 Comments


Heat Up Your Pan And Make Some Healthy Pancakes

Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

August 6, 2012  25 Comments

An Inspirational Post On Strawberry Jam

See those jars of jam up there? I made them - before you click off in disgust - there is a GIVEAWAY at the end of today’s post...

July 19, 2012  334 Comments

Refreshing Breakfast On A Stick

Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?....

July 16, 2012  11 Comments

How To Replace A Cinnabon

Snack Girl reserves black and white photos for foods that trigger people to eat. One of my pals told me that my photo of onion rings made her hungry and ever since then I use black and white....

June 20, 2012  53 Comments

GOOD READ: A Vegetable You Gotta Try

I decided to put "Good Read" in my title in the hopes that you will actually read what I have to say....

May 31, 2012  66 Comments


Try This Trick For Some Healthy Blueberry Muffins

Snack Girl is already making her plans for Earth Day (April 22nd). I am going to celebrate with a picnic!...

March 28, 2012  13 Comments


Spread It On or Dip It: The Best Yogurt Fruit Dip

Snack Girl has long advocated for an apple and peanut butter for a perfect snack. Basically, you got your fruit with a another whole food (peanuts) just blended up. Super yum!....

March 26, 2012  15 Comments


Take On The Prickly Fruit: In Season and Super Sweet

Pineapples are in season right now and costing about $2 each in my neck of the woods. YUM!...

February 29, 2012  11 Comments


Eight Exciting Things To Do With Bananas

When people meet me for the first time, what do you think they ask me? Where did you get your nails done?....

February 15, 2012  18 Comments


The Healthiest and Easiest Breakfast (Bye-Bye Breakfast Cereal)

Cereal is the most amazingly simple breakfast to serve. All you do is pour from a box....

February 8, 2012  37 Comments


This Valentine's Day Give Your Love A Healthy Heart

Yes, it is time to show your love and devotion to your partner. Do you want to give him/her a box of chocolates?....

February 6, 2012  3 Comments


Sunshine in Your Fridge: Grapefruit Made Less Sour

Do you know when citrus fruits are in season? The one bright spot of the winter growing season is that NOW is the best time for fresh oranges and grapefruits....

January 16, 2012  17 Comments


Vegan, Luxurious, Hot......Chocolate

Snack Girl finds that most hot chocolate mixes are missing something important. They lack the most important flavor of all....

December 8, 2011  25 Comments


You Need To Cook With This Berry NOW! (Healthy Muffin Recipe)

Have you noticed the lovely bags of red berries greeting you in the produce aisle? Fresh cranberries are here!...

November 17, 2011  22 Comments


Love Late Night Desserts? Try This Healthy Version of Creme Brulee

For Snack Girl, there are two food groups that derail her mostly healthy eating efforts: alcohol and desserts. Don't you DARE mix the two together....

November 14, 2011  11 Comments


A Fantastic Snack From A Scary Place

You guys been anywhere scary lately? How about Costco where all your money seems to get scared out of your wallet?....

October 19, 2011  16 Comments


Embrace Fall With This Pumpkin Themed Skinny Drink

Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks....

October 5, 2011  15 Comments


Dress Your Oatmeal Up For Halloween

Are you going to go out and buy a costume for Halloween? How about your oatmeal? Is it going to have a costume?....

October 3, 2011  13 Comments


Dress Up Your Apple Slices With Cookie Dough Dip

Bored with the same old apple and peanut butter? Love to eat cookie dough out of the bowl?....

September 26, 2011  30 Comments


Who Else Lost Their Virginity This Month?

See those lovely jars of apple butter? Snack Girl made them in a fit of unbridled domesticity....

September 12, 2011  24 Comments


Mix Pancakes With Oatmeal And You Get A Super Breakfast

Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

August 30, 2011  21 Comments


This Muffin Can Save Your Life

I know what you are thinking. How can a muffin save a life? Don't we usually use things like electrified paddles?....

August 25, 2011  37 Comments


Got Fruit On The Edge? Don't Toss It - Try This

Snack Girl is a sucker for "buy one get one free" and she finds herself stocking up on perishables. Not a smart move since these perishables tend to rot before my family eats them....

August 15, 2011  15 Comments


One More Thing To Do With Watermelon

Snack Girl has been obsessed with watermelon. My fridge seems always to have half a watermelon staring out at me....

August 12, 2011  13 Comments


Create A Better Snack With Carrots

The healthiest eaters among us incorporate vegetables or fruit in every meal. This can be tricky because vegetables take time to peel, dice, chop and wash....

August 8, 2011  15 Comments


How Cantaloupe Can Keep Your Dishes Clean

I want to know which creative thinker came up with a "bread" bowl. That person was ON to something. Of course, most of us need to avoid bread bowls (especially if they are filled with a clam chowder)....

August 1, 2011  11 Comments


Why Watermelon Makes Us Feel Good

Snack Girl is chomping on watermelon and loving it. A hot day, a slice of watermelon, and watermelon juice all over the place. This is summer!...

July 11, 2011  29 Comments


You Don't Need Sugar For A Refreshing Summer Drink

It is FINALLY beginning to heat up here in the middle of nowhere and Snack Girl loves cold drinks when it is hot outside.

May 16, 2011  18 Comments


Hate Bananas? Try These Pumpkin Bites

Back in April, Snack Girl posted what she thought was an awesome cereal bar recipe. People complained!

May 10, 2011  41 Comments


Get Your Spring On With This Vegetable

Last year, Snack Girl featured one of her FAVORITE Spring vegetables and no one read my post. No, I won't give up....

April 26, 2011  35 Comments


The BEST Post Workout Snack

Whether you do yoga, walk, spin, bike, run, or swim, you usually get hungry after activity. Many people reach for energy bars such as PowerBar, but with a little creativity, you can do a WHOLE lot better....

April 20, 2011  18 Comments


A Grab 'N Go Breakfast With ZERO Added Sugar (and you will love it)

Anybody else sick of packaged cereal bars? But, they are just SO easy and fast....

April 18, 2011  62 Comments


This Green Smoothie Does NOT Taste Like Grass

Snack Girl has had MANY readers tell her to try "green" smoothies. Well, before last Tuesday, I had one word for them - YUCK!...

March 21, 2011  40 Comments


Never Eat Fast Food French Fries Again

Yes, you can do it! You can give up your beloved french fries and celebrate their exit from your life.....

March 14, 2011  32 Comments


Try This Healthy Pie.....Naked

Here at Snack Girl headquarters clothing is optional (for the 4 and under set). This is also true of our pies....

March 2, 2011  36 Comments


Save Money, Your Waistline, And The World By Making Your Own Cereal

Okay, maybe I have gotten a bit dramatic with this title. But, you HAVE to try making your own cereal....

February 23, 2011  5 Comments


This Smoothie Will Blow Your Mind

Snack Girl isn't really a fan of smoothies because she finds them too sweet. But, there is one style of smoothie that motivates her to get out the blender.

February 3, 2011  36 Comments


Simple, Delicious, and Low Calorie Smoothie Recipes from Camp Shane

If you’re looking for a snack that tastes delicious AND is good for you, then you’re in for a treat!

January 7, 2011  19 Comments


Try This Breakfast Solution: Faster and Healthier Than Cereal

Are you running out of time every morning and grabbing a cereal bar? Try this instead....

December 29, 2010  20 Comments


Make Winter Warmer With Apple and Peanut Butter Oatmeal

Are you bored with your oatmeal? Let's give it a makeover!....

December 28, 2010  34 Comments


You Won't Miss The Butter In This Holiday Banana Bread

Can you trick your pals into believing you used a stick of butter to make your banana bread? I think so!...

December 7, 2010  18 Comments


Give the Gift of A Healthy Snack (Your Friends Won't Even Know Its Healthy!)

Looking for that perfect gift for that special someone? Put down your credit card and rev up your food processor.

December 1, 2010  32 Comments


A Pumpkin Spice Latte With 77 Calories

Do you have any buddies who anxiously await the arrival of the Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte? It has been here for a month and people love it....

November 3, 2010  20 Comments


A Healthy Halloween Snack

Halloween is arriving in a mere 12 days and it is all my kids can talk about. We are decorating the house and getting ready for the festivities....

October 20, 2010  5 Comments


Healthy Banana Pudding from Jack LaLanne

Before Jillian Michaels, Jane Fonda, and Zumba there was Jack LaLanne. He presented fitness and exercise advice on TV for 34 years!...

October 14, 2010  19 Comments


Got Apples? Try This Awesome Healthy Snack

If you read this website, you BETTER have apples in your fridge (or I'm gonna buy you some :) This is it people - apple season!...

October 7, 2010  20 Comments


Chocolate Pumpkin Protein Bars - YUM!

You would expect that a food blog called would be set in a rural spot like Athens, GA....

October 4, 2010  31 Comments


Mix It Up For A Delicious Snack

Do you sometimes get bored with the same old snack? Perhaps the snack you brought to work is SO dull, you make a little trip to the vending machine....

September 21, 2010  39 Comments


Want Your Kid To Eat A Healthy Snack? Use a Stick

Sick of trying to get your kids to eat something healthy? Try my method of persuasion involving a stick....

September 14, 2010  5 Comments


A Grab And Go Breakfast With Staying Power

My daughter begged me to serve her pancakes for her first day of school. Pancakes are usually a weekend treat, but how could I deny her?...

September 13, 2010  24 Comments


A Cherry Tomato Salad For Summer

My farm share just gave us the go ahead to pick AS MANY cherry tomatoes as we want! Is that crazy?....

August 18, 2010  10 Comments


Freezer Jam For Dummies

Freezer jam was absolute mystery to Snack Girl until a few weeks ago. I had never even heard of it until readers commented on How To Pick A Healthy Jam or Jelly....

August 10, 2010  13 Comments


Want Fewer Dirty Dishes? Try This Healthy Trick

I want to know which creative thinker came up with a "bread" bowl. That person was ON to something. Of course, most of us need to avoid bread bowls (especially if they are filled with a clam chowder)....

August 3, 2010  7 Comments


An Amazing Apple Pie Makeover In Two Minutes

Is it possible to cut the calories of apple pie in half and have it still taste good? Well, when you are working with food as great as Apples anything is possible....

June 17, 2010  19 Comments


When It Heats Up Try This Simple Zero Calorie Drink

There is usually just one small step from ordinary to elegant. I know that sounds optimistic, but sometimes just a little change makes ALL the difference.

May 20, 2010  16 Comments


Try Rhubarb - In Season Now and Super Yummy

The best place to find healthy eating inspiration is your local produce source. And if you pay attention, you will see that there are vegetables and fruits that arrive at different times of year....

May 10, 2010  6 Comments


DIY Microwave Popcorn: Healthy, Yummy, and CHEAP

Popcorn is a whole grain snack that is really low in calories and has that great crunch we crave. But, the packaged stuff in the supermarket is expensive and can be high in sodium....

April 22, 2010  27 Comments


Banana Quesadilla: A Delicious After-Exercise Snack

Whether you do yoga, walk, spin, bike, run, or swim, you usually get hungry after activity. Many people reach for energy bars such as PowerBar, but with a little creativity, you can do a WHOLE lot better....

April 21, 2010  21 Comments


Healthy Lavash Chips from Danica's Daily

Snack-Girl is always on the hunt for other blogs that inform her readers. Danica of Danica's Daily posts her healthy food consumption every day for people to follow.

March 25, 2010  3 Comments


Better and Faster than A Bowl of Cold Cereal

Life hasn't been easy since Snack-Girl set a new cereal standard in our house. I've tested many of our cereals and I've come up with very few that pass the Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal test....

March 22, 2010  17 Comments


Replace French Fries with This Easy and Healthy Snack

The most eaten vegetable in the United States is the potato. Found in fast food venues from coast to coast the delicious French Fries are hard to avoid....

March 15, 2010  28 Comments


DIY Cereal For A Healthy Snack

National Cereal Day is this Sunday. How should we celebrate? How about making your own cereal? I'm sure the people at General Mills will LOVE this idea....

March 5, 2010  12 Comments


Streamline Your Morning in One Step

Do you dread getting out of bed in the morning? Are you overwhelmed by the enormity of the tasks ahead? Take one job off your list right now!...

February 25, 2010  7 Comments


Easy Apple Strudel from A Fit And Spicy Life

Using apples in a recipe is always a great idea. This post from A Fit and Spicy Life is a delicious way to enjoy them for a sometimes treat....

February 19, 2010  4 Comments


No-Bake, Nut Butter, Oatmeal Cookie

Let's be honest. Nobody has time to bake. Okay, if you have time to bake, you are in the minority. My favorite snacks are one that are just assembled from readily available ingredients and served with no mess....

January 19, 2010  20 Comments


Imagine Being On Vacation

Are there certain foods that remind you of vacation spots? It seems that most tropical destinations have a form of fruit salad to start your day....

September 24, 2009  1 Comment


Healthy Homemade Granola

You can buy all sorts of different brands of granola. Granola comes in bags, boxes or bulk. It is found in the cereal aisle, the health food store, and the corner market....

August 3, 2009  2 Comments

Homemade energy bar

Energy Bar Recipe

At $2 per bar, products like PowerBar can really take a bite out of your wallet. Of course they are incredibly convenient to buy and eat. Can you really make these at home?...

July 6, 2009  20 Comments

Ants on a Log

Fun for kids to make and eat (adults too!)

Ants on a log is a combination of celery, cream cheese (or peanut butter), and raisins...

June 18, 2009  2 Comments


Homemade Banana Bread

Is this really a healthy snack? Eating too much of any baked good is damaging to your waistline, but made with real bananas and eggs, this snack includes protein and vitamins your body needs...

April 24, 2009  5 Comments

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